@cmorris @Benfell To your point the #UnitedStates has to date ignored the rights of #OlderPersons and the initial #covid #MortalityRate struck hard at the #eldery especially those in #carehomes #hospitals. US has failed to engage with and join #InternationalTreaties that #protect and #defend against #ageism in the #workplace #AgeDiscrimination #Harassment #EEOC #ADEA are generally so ineffective that some turn to #litigation which is too costly for most or simply leave #employment under #duress.
#UnitedStates #olderpersons #covid #mortalityrate #eldery #carehomes #hospitals #internationaltreaties #protect #defend #ageism #workplace #agediscrimination #harassment #eeoc #adea #litigation #employment #duress