RT @katie_andME
It’s #InternationalWheelchairDay and my message is please give #pwME #severeME the wheelchairs they need early enough they can use them and not get worse. I finally have a good wheelchair, I can’t stand or walk but I’m not well enough to use the wheelchair I waited years for.
#internationalwheelchairday #pwme #severeME
RT @chronic_cos
happy #InternationalWheelchairDay - disabled cosplayers exist and mobility aids do not “take away” from a cosplay!!! 😌🌸
1. März Internationaler Rollstuhl-Tag!
Eine neue Abkürzung gefällig? Bitteschön! #MRg = Mit Rollstuhl glücklich.🧑🏻🦽Eben beschlossen! 👊🏻 „Zukunft: Die Ausrede all jener, die in der Gegenwart nichts tun wollen.“ Und nur die! 🎗️
- Harold Pinter
#mrg #internationalwheelchairday
Why getting the right wheelchair is so important
It is essential that every adult & child has access to the right wheelchair at the right time with the right backup supports, as UL's Rosie Gowran explains:
#internationalwheelchairday #StudyatUL #accessibility
It's #InternationalWheelchairDay today, and we're 75% of the way to the target on our #GoFundMe to get Donna a more suitable wheelchair due to a huge change in her needs.
The wheelchairs that we've been looking at are far more expensive than anything we've bought in the past, with the base models starting at around £5000 without any customisations.
Any donations or shares would be massively appreciated!
#accessibility #wheelchair #disability #gofundme #internationalwheelchairday
It's #InternationalWheelchairDay ! I'm currently fundraising for a new , more suitable wheelchair as my needs have recently changed. I'm so incredibly close to reaching my goal. I've been completely overwhelmed by the response my #GoFundMe has gotten so far ! Please share and donate if you're able too! My wheelchair opened up my life & is my freedom essentially. You can read a bit more about my story here https://gofund.me/ddd78242
#gofundme #internationalwheelchairday
Happy #InternationalWheelchairDay to all the babes with mobility aids 🧑🦽👩🦼
RT @HeroForgeMinis
In honor of #InternationalWheelchairDay, we are excited to announce the addition of Wheelchairs to Hero Forge!
Now your heroes can now choose from three Wheelchair styles in the Mount menu: The Modern Wheelchair, Fantasy Town Wheelchair, and Fantasy Battle Wheelchair. (1/2)