Just uploaded an old two parter episode from back on #InternationalWomensDay , and it's our annual tribute to women in music
Part Two: https://hearthis.at/trinib/episode-63/
#rock #womenrock #internationalwomensday
Just uploaded an old two parter episode from back on #InternationalWomensDay , and it's our annual tribute to women in music
Part One: https://hearthis.at/trinib/episode-62/
#rock #womenrock #internationalwomensday
Original toot date: 08 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - International Women's Day Edition.
💼 At 19, got my first full time job followed a few months later with my first corporate job with benefits. That is when I took on the responsibility of paying my parents mortgage, after my father lost his job at Ansett and times got tough.
📢 At 25, I became one of only 150 people selected from Victoria as a youth ambassador for the Make Poverty History campaign. We joined a nation wide campaign, taking our anti-poverty message across the country, convening in Sydney and meeting with then opposition leader, Kevin Rudd.
💔 It is easy to see what we don't have or what we have lost. Yes, I have lost a job to a man that was less qualified than I. Yes, I have been a victim of sexual assault and other abuses by men. But despite my many challenges, I have done some incredible things. As a friend pointed out; it is important to reflect sometimes and take stock of what we have achieved. Remember that what you do is important and directly impacts your life and others.
💗 I am sure the women who follow or like my page, have done amazing things, even if you can't yet see it. Take a moment and celebrate what you have achieved. I would love to hear what you come up with!
#ChooseToChallenge #internationalwomensday #women #womensupportingwomen #equalityforwomen #equalitymatters #equityforwomen #IAMWOMEN #iamwomenhearmeroar #WeAreBrimbank #brimbank
#whoamiwednesday #ChooseToChallenge #internationalwomensday #women #womensupportingwomen #equalityforwomen #equalitymatters #equityforwomen #iamwomen #iamwomenhearmeroar #wearebrimbank #brimbank
We teamed up with our partners @Rokt for our second annual #INWED event. 45 women from around the world joined forces at our technology campus to empower the generation today for a better tomorrow. #InternationalWomensDay
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/redbullracing/status/1672237625254506496
#internationalwomensday #inwed
Another art project created beautiful ceramic Sheela na Gigs for #InternationalWomensDay but these Project Sheela ones are collectors items.
We were lucky to find this gorgeous one in the wild in Merrion Square gardens, commemorating Lady Jane Wilde, but it's gone now 😭
#SheelaNaGig #FakeSheelaFriday
#internationalwomensday #SheelaNaGig #fakesheelafriday
On March 8th, 2023, Women's March Tokyo was held successfully. During the parade, people chanted slogans for gender equality, against discrimination and violence, against militarization and war, and for raising wages, jointly advocating for women's rights.
2023年3月8日の国際女性デーに、ウィメンズマーチ東京が開催されました。マーチでは、皆さんが性別平等、差別と暴力に反対、軍事化と戦争に反対、賃金引上げなどのスローガンを高呼し、女性の権利を求める共同の声を上げました。 コールの原文はこちらになります👉
#internationalwomensday #feminist #chinesefeminists #womensday2023
During the speech segment preceding the annual International Women's Day parade in Japan, voices from around the world are heard, but the presence of Chinese individuals has been absent. This year, a Chinese woman's voice joins the conversation, sharing the stories of Chinese women with the world.
#internationalwomensday #feminist #chinesefeminists #womensday2023
Celebrating top women writers at The Lark Publication in honor of International Women's Day last month. Here are women poets who write poetry and more.. https://medium.com/the-lark/the-larks-top-writers-for-april-2023-46cc0ed156ec #topwriter #writers #writing #poetry #poets #women #internationalwomensday #poem
#topwriter #writers #writing #poetry #poets #women #internationalwomensday #poem
new show up on mixcloud, all about women punk!
it is part 2 of our annual show celebrating #internationalwomensday
and our third instalment of #blankgeneration
#internationalwomensday #blankgeneration #rock #punk
Happy #InternationalWomensDay to these fearless and inspirational women who all fight for their own reasons!
[2023-03-08 20:29]
#internationalwomensday #feminist #chinesefeminists #womensday2023
#womensmarchtokyo #freechinesefeminists #internationalwomensday #supportoursisters #フェミニスト #chinesefeminists #ジェンダー平等
Got the photos through from the event I did for #InternationalWomensDay and crikey, yes, I did deliver a kit to ONE HUNDRED AND NINE girls and nb students. Only two kids left their creations behind, which to me is one heck of an impact. They made receiver coils to detect EM fields, programmed a data pendant, and made a jamming card for their bank cards.
If you think this is useful, please fund further kits by buying your own - I make no profit and plough it back into doing this outreach.
RT @Oxfam
Wonderful feminist movements = #FeministPower
The 700+ unions of Public Services International have education, healthcare & a social safety net at the core of their struggle for gender equality! #Internationalwomensday #csw23
#feministpower #internationalwomensday #csw23
[Every year on #InternationalWomensDay since 2018, #AuratMarch is held in cities across #Pakistan where #women and #gender #minorities come together and speak up about #GenderBased #patriarchal #injustices . This year, I went to the march with a placard that said, “I march for my mom who was not allowed to go to school.”]
#WomensMonth #GenderEquity #GenderEquality #WomensRights #GirlsRights #MiddleEast #StandUpForWomen #StopThePatriarchy #SmashPatriarchy #HumanRights
#internationalwomensday #AuratMarch #pakistan #women #gender #minorities #GenderBased #patriarchal #injustices #WomensMonth #genderequity #genderequality #womensrights #Girlsrights #middleeast #standupforwomen #StopThePatriarchy #smashpatriarchy #humanrights
On #InternationalWomensDay RepresentWomen released a memo entitled "Voting Systems and Women's Representation." Their research showed that countries ranked higher in gender parity had better systems such as #RankedChoiceVoting and #GenderQuotas. The message is clear: If we want more women elected in the U.S., we need systemic change.
#internationalwomensday #RankedChoiceVoting #genderquotas
Forgot to post my award for International Women's Day. Worked out on March 8 I think for 20 minutes or so. Hope you are all getting some healthy and fun exercise in regardless of how it is done. #Apple #AppleFitness #AppleFitnessPlus #InternationalWomensDay
#apple #AppleFitness #AppleFitnessPlus #internationalwomensday
#Trans #activist Fae Johnstone says she feels “#violated and #traumatised ” after becoming the subject of a #transphobic #HateCampaign over her starring in a #Hersheys #advert .
Johnstone, the #ExecutiveDirector of #Wisdom2Action , was one of five #women #featured in Hershey’s #InternationalWomensDay #campaign in #Canada , appearing in a #commercial & on a specially-designed bar.
#StopTransHate #HumanRights #AntiBullying #Canadian #TransRights #RightToSafety
#trans #activist #violated #traumatised #transphobic #HateCampaign #hersheys #advert #executivedirector #wisdom2action #women #featured #internationalwomensday #campaign #canada #commercial #stoptranshate #humanrights #antibullying #canadian #transrights #righttosafety
Following #InternationalWomensDay, Data2X and Aapti Institute explore how #data cooperatives could provide an opportunity to fill gender data gaps for policymakers, while protecting privacy and redistributing power to individuals https://buff.ly/3ZKh6or
It was a belated International Women's Day celebration on the #threeForFriday #music #quiz but how did you get on with our female UK chart toppers theme?
New round on Friday
#musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #1996 #1997 #ukcharts #ukno1 #holiday #1984 #ukalbums #aStarIsBorn #internationalwomensday #IWD #thespicegirls #madonna #barbarastreisand #ladygaga @spicegirls @madonna @barbrastreisand @ladygaga
#ladygaga #Barbarastreisand #madonna #thespicegirls #iwd #internationalwomensday #astarisborn #ukalbums #holiday #ukno1 #UKcharts #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday