Also found in Google Drive Clean up:
Proposal for a talk I gave at
#Internet2 Joint techs 2011 in Fairbanks, Alaska about lack of IPv6 support in network hardware, specifically RA-Guard. I believe I was also one of the #IPv6 workshop instructors that year.
Follow up to the original post -- The presentation went quite well, and as a result, the #UMich #IdentityAndAccessManagement team now has several new friends from other universities to collaborate with on our various deployments of #Internet2 #Grouper over the next several months!
#umich #identityandaccessmanagement #internet2 #grouper
A great day today at #Internet2 #TechEx. Couldn't come.close to attending all the sessions that I wanted to and seeing lots of people in person who I've only met virtually (invaluable)!