RT @AustriaatUNESCO
The @UNESCO #internet4trust conference has come to an end. It has highlighted the challenges of regulating digital platforms but also how to go forward in ensuring human rights online.
Thank you to @TawfikJelassi and all the speakers for contributing to this important debate!
RT @LucinaDiMeco
Digital platforms have overwhelmingly failed to protect women. Thrilled to see @ShePersistedGL #MonetizingMisogyny today on @TIME today, while many allies and friends are at the @UNESCO #Internet4Trust! @kwilfore @julieposetti @mariaressa @MelissaFleming
#monetizingmisogyny #internet4trust
RT @julieposetti
Brave Kenyan Facebook whistleblower Daniel Motaung’s on stage @ #Internet4Trust. He developed PTSD as a direct result of his role as a Facebook content moderator & he was sacked from his job after leading a unionisation push. The company tried to gag him. https://time.com/6193231/facebook-crack-whip-black-whistleblower/
“Freedom of expression” for social media firms is not freedom of expression for people. #unesco #internet4trust
This 👇made my day! 🙏🙌
RT @j2bryson
We shouldn't assume that algorithms necessarily intermediate us. Early twitter and facebook, and current mastodon, allowed us to choose who we follow & boost, and therefore what information we're likely to see. #Internet4Trust #internetForTrust 1/2 #recommenders #AIEthics
#internet4trust #internetfortrust #recommenders #AIethics