It's looking like is being positioned as the next cool, hip .

Users seem to think has has their back.

When we tell them, its a that blocks , then it clicks for them, "Oh yeah, they wouldn't let me do XYZ until I gave them my name and contact details".

People are not learning from fairly recent past mistakes, here.

#rumble #dotcon #surviellanceapparatus #internetanonymisers #insanity #historyrepeating #fakebook2p0

Last updated 2 years ago

We are not using their memes, though. We just dismiss them as dotcons, then at the same time introduce things like fedi, foss, and and talk about those a lot as solutions.

There was a candidate for major who did that recently here in and they received 5% of votes, that's 1-in-20 who are consciously aware of and embracing this shift.

Keep enjoying and sharing foss memes. When folks hear and see them they cannot be unseen. It is working.

#internetanonymisers #australia

Last updated 2 years ago


The (forced) trend is widely documented as wasteful for and favours entities with large capital to serve such easily from many locations. See our recent toot. Also, because they reject the household is trivially and thus easily inflenced/led by and/or forces. Includes being targetted for not streaming enough, or switching off the stream at the "wrong" time, etc.

#streamingservices #environment #datacenter #internetanonymisers #surveilled #advertisers #repressive

Last updated 2 years ago

Cory Doctorow writes well, but we do not believe that "the cost of is everything you believe in."

A person can have basic and security and still function. The problem is that make such taboo via soft power in the form of , and difficult to achieve via aggressive tactics. This must stop.

Do your part:

1) seek computers with drives (), not just USB.
2) use/support .
3) support friends/family using .

#security #privacy #corporateFascists #indoctrination #physicalDisk #dvd #foss #internetanonymisers

Last updated 2 years ago

As we strongly recommend using such at all times, not just when you need to upload a photo of your itchy butt to they who may handle your defense.

Defend your everyday, and by so doing, help others do the same.

Use TorBrowser and I2P.

#onionMaximalists #internetanonymisers #lawyers #privacy #usetor #usei2p #safety #internetanonymizers #vpn #safetyfirst #protection

Last updated 2 years ago

As we strongly recommend using such at all times, not just when you need to upload a photo of your itchy butt to they who may handle your defense.

Defend your everyday, and by so doing, help others do the same.

#onionMaximalists #internetanonymisers #lawyers #privacy #safety #internetanonymizers #vpn #safetyfirst #protection

Last updated 2 years ago