I want to run my own private #mastodon #instance. #COX internet has a #monopoly in my area. It blocks port 80 and throttles internet after 1 TB (without a business plan). A business plan requires a business permit and ~$300 a month.
I've reached out to #neutrinet and ordered an #internetcube and #VPN with a static IP at neutrinet.be but have yet to hear back if it's even possible.
What other options do I have that are not exorbitantly expensive?
#mastodon #instance #cox #monopoly #neutrinet #internetcube #vpn
I ran across Yunohost again which led me to the Internet Cube.
Has anyone used this "cube"? It looks like a really "cool" way to set up a portable, safe, open, self-host server.
#yunohost #internetcube #selfhosting #selfhost
#Yunohost pre-release for Lime Lime2 and OrangePiPC+ available now https://github.com/YunoHost/arm-images/releases/tag/v2020.08-rc
as well as #InternetCube images !
New pre-release of @yunohost for Lime Lime2 and OrangePiPCPlus
#InternetCube as well
Please give me feedback if you can test this release 😎
Hello les loulous,
J'ai mis en ligne des pre-release d'images #labriqueinternet et @yunohost pour lime1 lime2 orangepipc+
Elles seront en lignes cette semaine sur le différent endroit de distribution officiel si on a le temps 😛
Hi les loulous,
I have put online some pre-release images for #internetcube and @yunohost ARM boards : lime1 lime2 OrangePiPC+
Will be online on official channels soon.
#internetcube #labriqueinternet
🧱 🧱 🧱
Quelqu'un.e aurait une piste pour m'aider à dessiner des alvéoles sur Inkscape pour de la découpe laser ? J'aimerais retoucher le boitier de #briqueinternet #internetcube
Le fichier d'origine: http://carrefour-numerique.cite-sciences.fr/fablab/wiki/doku.php?id=projets:boite_la_brique_internet
Tonight is the #internetcube #briqueinternet meeting !
Join us on mumble: https://wiki.ldn-fai.net/wiki/Mumble
Anybody at #GPN19 willing to chat about #YunoHost or the #InternetCube ? 😋
#internetcube #yunohost #gpn19