Hey #infosec folks! Why don't you help #InternetFreedom and #foss (including @noscript), and also grab some money along the way, by submitting an Information Security Services proposal to OTF Red Team Lab?
Deadline just postponed to September the 12th.
#infosec #internetfreedom #foss
Digital India Has Run Out of Freedoms
Any democratic right that is being evolved for safeguarding citizens in Digital India has been overruled by laws and policies that have completely opposite effects, writes Srinivas Kodali.
#InternetShutdown #aadhar #privacy #DataProtection #PersonalData #StateSurveillance #InternetFreedom #democracy #authoritarianism #censorship #HumanRights #hindutva #BJP #india
#internetshutdown #Aadhar #privacy #dataprotection #personaldata #statesurveillance #internetfreedom #democracy #authoritarianism #censorship #humanrights #hindutva #BJP #india
I fully support the Biden administration's efforts to ensure that social media companies are not subject to unfair restrictions. #FreeSpeech #SocialMedia #InternetFreedom #Equality #Justice http://www.techmeme.com/230814/p16#a230814p16
#freespeech #socialmedia #internetfreedom #equality #justice
Lasst uns den Menschen helfen die nicht das Glück haben, dass ihr Internet frei ist!
Gerade jetzt leidet zum Beispiel die turkmenische Bevölkerung stark unter Internetsperren und kann auch nicht auf öffentliche TOR Knoten zugreifen. Solche Mails wie diese sind authentisch, siehe @torproject
Bitte unterstützt, indem ihr OBSF4-TOR-Relays einrichtet. Ein kleiner Aufwand für uns, aber eine große Hilfe für viele!
#InternetCensorship #InternetFreedom #HelpTurkmenistan #DigitalRights
#internetcensorship #internetfreedom #helpturkmenistan #digitalrights
The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide
[Unpacking Google’s new “dangerous” Web-Environment-Integrity specification](https://vivaldi.com/blog/googles-new-dangerous-web-environment-integrity-spec/)
#google #wei #internetfreedom #UseFirefox #firefox
📢 New blog post alert! Web Domination: Chrome's Monopoly & Ad-Driven Models jeopardizing the Open Internet. Discover the disturbing trends that threaten our online freedom.
#InternetFreedom #ChromeMonopoly #AdDrivenThreats
#internetfreedom #chromemonopoly #addriventhreats
👉 Пропонуємо традиційні підсумки місяця:
⚠️ На конференції RightsCon-2023 гостро дискутували про штучний інтелект, Twitter схвалює 83% запитів на цензуру від авторитарних урядів. Огляд «Інтернет свободи» за червень 2023
#digitalrights #internetfreedom #ukraine
Victory! Ninth Circuit Allows Human Rights Case to Move Forward Against Cisco Systems https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/victory-ninth-circuit-allows-human-rights-case-move-forward-against-cisco-systems via @eff #humanrights #internetfreedom #alientortstatute
#humanrights #internetfreedom #alientortstatute
I know this is a lot to ask but please boost the message above if possible.
#internetfreedom #KeepItOnline #iran
ENG: Listen up. I conducted a small test on my account https://mastodon.social/@octopusproject where I flagged my own account https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin as a spammer, randomly marking completely innocent posts with a simple message saying that such people should be banned and permanently removed from social networks. I should note that I did not publish anything offensive or rule-breaking. Today I checked and my account https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin is completely blocked on mastodon.social without any reason. It is simply unavailable. This is how fascism works. Watch and learn. I conducted this test out of sheer curiosity to see how fascism can be embedded in an app.
PL: Translate and create post for mastodon: słuchajcie. zrobiłem mały test na moim koncie https://mastodon.social/@octopusproject oznaczałem moje konto https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin jako spamera przy czym randomowo oznaczałem całkiem niewinne posty z prostą informacją, że takich ludzi powinno się zabanować i usunąć na stałe z sieci społecznościowych. Dodam, że nie publikowałem niczego zdrożnego ani łamiącego regulamin. Dzisiaj sprawdzam i moje konto https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin jest całkowicie zablokowane na mastodon.social bez żadnego powodu. Nie jest po prostu dostępne. Tak działa faszyzm. Patrzcie i uczcie się. Ja zrobiłem test z czystej ciekawości, żeby zobaczyć jak działa faszyzm zaszyty w aplikacji.
#SocialMediaTest #Censorship #FreeSpeech #Mastodon #SocialExperiment #DigitalRights #InternetFreedom #FalseFlagging #OnlineFascism #mastodon #mastodonSocial
#socialmediatest #censorship #freespeech #mastodon #socialexperiment #digitalrights #internetfreedom #falseflagging #onlinefascism #mastodonsocial
The article is in Italian but it felt so important I hope you can appreciate it nonetheless.
If you are an italophone do follow the author! @calamarim
He really put his heart and his feather into it.
#freedom #internet #privacy #web #internetfreedom
A federal investigation found the Trump appointed, former U.S. Agency for Global Media CEO Michael Pack “repeatedly abused the powers of his office, broke laws and regulations, and engaged in gross mismanagement.”
Pack's brief tenure was depicted “as an ideologically driven rampage through a government agency to try to force its newsrooms and workforce to show fealty to the White House.
“Pack punished executives who objected to the legality of his plans, interfered in the journalistic independence of the newsrooms under his agency, and personally signed a no-bid contract with a private law firm to investigate those employees he saw as opposed to former President Donald Trump.”
#USPol #VoiceOfAmerica #MichaelPack #InternetFreedom
From: @TonyStark
#uspol #voiceofamerica #michaelpack #internetfreedom
"For years, Russia’s internet had been relatively open for a country run by an authoritarian regime. There was surveillance, sure, but nothing on the scale of China’s Great Firewall. But since the poisoning of Navalny, and Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a digital iron curtain has fallen in Russia. It’s getting harder for news from the West, much less of the war, to get through. Now, the Kremlin is accelerating plans to build its own walled-off “sovereign” internet, something Iran, Cambodia and Brazil are trying themselves. China is pushing for a new protocol to reshape how the net works altogether.
All this means that the internet – that great global connector invented by US researchers 40-odd years ago – is splintering. And if it frays enough, experts warn, it may be impossible to put back together again.
So, is there even one internet any more? How might it splinter? And what happens if it does?" #Splinternet #Internet #GreatFirewallOfChina #censorship #authoritarianism #China #Russia #WalledOffWeb #InternetFreedom #WebFreedom #tech #technology #explainer
Splinternet explainer: How do countries restrict web freedom? https://www.smh.com.au/technology/the-secret-service-agents-had-a-message-take-down-the-app-or-go-to-jail-how-is-the-internet-splintering-20230327-p5cvl2.html
#splinternet #internet #greatfirewallofchina #censorship #authoritarianism #china #russia #walledoffweb #internetfreedom #webfreedom #tech #technology #explainer
Digital Rights in the #Arab Countries: Threats, Limitations and Impact. Research #Durvey if you live in #Lebanon, #Kuwait or #Tunisia - #Freedom #Rights #HumanRights #FigitalRights #InternetFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech
#arab #durvey #lebanon #kuwait #Tunisia #freedom #rights #HumanRights #figitalrights #internetfreedom #freedomofspeech
An update on Page Builder: I have a working client-side app that allows you to update content, change the font-family, and choose a primary color.
Still lots to do, but if you'd like to try it out, I'd love your feedback!
#opensource #foss #internetfreedom #webdev #js
Scary AF! It’s not just a ban on #TikTok. It’s giving the U.S. government carte blanche to spy on every device in your home and fine or throw you in prison for using a VPN to access restricted content. Watch, learn, and get angry!
#RestrictAct #RestrictBill #FreeSpeech #InternetFreedom #Privacy
#privacy #internetfreedom #freespeech #restrictbill #restrictact #tiktok
⚠️ Тим часом колеги з інших організацій організовують події на тематику цифрових прав в Києві. Однак це дуже вузькі збіговиська, людей, які один одного давно знають.
Тоді ж як ми зацікавлені в розширенні дискурсу про #digitalrights #internetfreedom на ширше коло людей.
Наступна публікація – буде саме про це
#digitalrights #internetfreedom
RT @Rickynomics212
There are few restrictions on access in the US, while Cuba licenses government-approved internet service providers. #InternetFreedom #RightToAccess #cyber #travel
#internetfreedom #righttoaccess #cyber #travel
Bruh... And I thought that Europe was the better continent for this kind of thing. @mullvadnet keep fighting the good fight. To whoever is pushing for this, I'd say something, but this isn't my rant account, so... [REDACTED].
#privacy #fucksurveilance #internetfreedom
#internetfreedom #fucksurveilance #privacy