Was für Dich @sarah_ist_muede
Hab da eben beim Weiterklicken von einem empfohlenen, sehr albernen Video auf #TikTok was gefunden, was Dir vielleicht gefallen könnte. Es geht um #Chihuahua oder "Chichihua" wie sie im Video genannt werden (aber Achtung, macht sich lustig über klassische Tiersendungen und ist definitiv #Internethumor).
#tiktok #chihuahua #internethumor
One striking writer decides to fill his time investigating the question: what is the upper limit for the number of restaurant brothers? What he finds is a number that's probably higher than most of us would expect.
The original thread is on Twitrage, but thanks to this Thread Reader link, you don't have to go there to read it. Thank goodness.
#restaurants #internethumor #Funny #Fun
Got this from my stepmother. #Target #MarriageHumor #InternetHumor
#target #marriagehumor #internethumor
The beam weapons of #MetroidPrime:
Post: Highest rate of fire. The most basic action people can do on a #forum.
Delete: For when you occasionally need to zap a post.
Banhammer: Used only slowly. Causes the conversation to chill out
Flamewar: Very damaging. Can result in sick burns.
#metroidprime #forum #metroid #humor #internethumor #forums #gaminghumor
Kotaku: Congressman Does Leeroy Jenkins Impression Amid Republican Meltdown https://kotaku.com/world-warcraft-leeroy-jenkins-congress-mccarthy-gaetz-1849951155 #gaming #tech #kotaku #worldofwarcraft #internetculture #hakeemjeffries #leeroyjenkins #kevinmccarthy #internethumor #laurenboebert #jaredhuffman #benschulz #mattgaetz #machinima #politics #jenkins #vinson #humour
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #worldofwarcraft #InternetCulture #HakeemJeffries #leeroyjenkins #kevinmccarthy #internethumor #laurenboebert #jaredhuffman #benschulz #mattgaetz #machinima #politics #jenkins #vinson #humour