Trash Robot · @trashrobot
782 followers · 1575 posts · Server

Why am I talking about the "internet of things" and the lies told by bad actors around these words is that I'm interested in taking it back. But not as a whole thing. One thing at a time.

this is why I post on hashtags like and and and .

Social media today is a projection of the ego into a shared network. So you go on here and you see "people" in cyberspace.

A true "internet of things" can project communal which we can all live into cyberspace so that we are not just a bunch of humans beaming signals to each other, but are able to live in a space that has things other than other humans in it. Which we already do, of course, we often use the network to check things like weather. But I want to expand this by many orders of magnitude until we as individuals are a *minority* on the network, which exists mostly of abstract "objects" in these shared online ontologies. Mastodon works great to facilitate this, and this is part of why exists.

#internetoftoilets #internetoftrash #internetofsticks #internetofrocks #Ontologies

Last updated 1 year ago

trashrobot · @trashrobot
5 followers · 9 posts · Server

a with trash magic placed inside pay phone metal frame in one of the 2 pay phones outside the Exxon gas station at and in just west of the town line. Quest is to create a network of quartz crystals by payphones all over the world. This is part of the .

#trashmagic #rockquest #crystal #domain #harlanstreet #20thavenue #edgewater #denver #internetofrocks

Last updated 1 year ago