#MOOC Blick hinter den Hype: Aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um #KI, #Blockchain und #IoT auf #openHPI
Kurs startete 30.08., aber Einstieg noch möglich; bisher
1. #InternetOfThings
z. B. Ford #RepossessionSystemComputer, um Auto säumiger Schuldner fernzusteuern
- #SmartDevices #SmartWorld
- #DigitalerZwilling
- #Sensoren #Aktoren
- #Signalkette
- Protokolle
- #UbiquitousComputing mit #cyberphysikalischen Systemen
2. Anwendungsbeispiele im IoT
#mooc #ki #blockchain #iot #openhpi #gartner #hypecycle #internetofthings #repossessionsystemcomputer #smartdevices #smartworld #digitalerzwilling #sensoren #aktoren #signalkette #ubiquitouscomputing #cyberphysikalischen
[15min live stream] AWS IoT edge device service - value proposition
Through this 15-minute live stream, I will clarify the value proposition of the AWS IoT edge device service called Greengrass.
Unfortunately, with great power comes the great complexity of this service. During our meeting, I will describe the underlying technical challenges when utilizing this service.
Make Use Of: Killware vs. Ransomware: What's the Difference? https://www.makeuseof.com/killware-vs-ransomware-difference/ #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #InternetofThings #SecurityRisks #Ransomware #Security #Malware
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #internetofthings #SecurityRisks #ransomware #security #malware
The “#InternetOfThings” people like me envisioned is vastly different from the one we got. (Like the internet itself, really.)
I envisioned smart devices in a home connected to a house LAN *only*, perhaps coordinated by a central hub. The hub might have *optional* internet access, via open protocols, decided upon and controlled by the owner.
No subscriptions. No data collection. No corporate surveillance.
This was incredibly naive of me, of course.
But it was a very nice dream.
Sometimes, Internet of Things deployments fail despite the honest efforts of everyone involved.
The reward of IoT-enabled offering comes from that exact risk of defeat.
#internetofthings #iot #business
SecurityAffairs: ASUS routers are affected by three critical remote code execution flaws https://securityaffairs.com/150399/iot/asus-routers-critical-rces.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #InternetofThings #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #ASUSRouters #hackingnews #Hacking
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #internetofthings #securityaffairs #breakingnews #securitynews #asusrouters #hackingnews #hacking
#DataPrivacy #DataSecurity #InternetOfThings #Mozilla #Automotive
It's concerning to hear that 25 major car brands lack the basic privacy and security standards needed to protect drivers. The Illuminati stands for responsible data usage and we will continue to ensure that connected devices do not endanger the privacy of its users. #PrivacyProtection #DataProtection http://www.techmeme.com/230906/p7#a230906p7
#dataprivacy #datasecurity #internetofthings #mozilla #automotive #privacyprotection #dataprotection
Most relevant use cases for using IoT edge logic.
One of the most frequent questions I receive is how to reduce the AWS IoT Core costs. Customers need to send telemetry data to AWS Cloud but are discouraged by the expected bill. We can use various techniques to approach this challenge; most of them leverage edge processing.
#internetofthings #edge #iot #aws #greengrass
Betanews: The IT assets that could put your organization at risk https://betanews.com/2023/09/05/the-it-assets-that-could-put-your-organization-at-risk/ #InternetofThings #RiskManagement #cybersecurity #Article #Hacking #risk
#internetofthings #riskmanagement #cybersecurity #article #hacking #risk
At USENIX '23, my colleague Lorenz Kustosch presented a paper that we wrote on consumer expectations of Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things. I was glad to contribute some legal dimensions to the paper; a great opportunity for some cross-disciplinary contribution as part of the INTERSCT project (intersct.nl).
If you were not at USENIX, or if you missed Lorenz's presentation, you can find the article here: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/presentation/kustosch
#Privacy #security #internetofthings #academia
TechcrunchSecurity: Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/02/smart-chastity-cage-emails-passwords-location/ #InternetofThings #cybersecurity #Security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
#internetofthings #cybersecurity #security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
TechcrunchSecurity: Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/02/smart-chastity-cage-emails-passwords-location/ #InternetofThings #cybersecurity #Security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
#internetofthings #cybersecurity #security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
TechcrunchSecurity: Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/02/smart-chastity-cage-emails-passwords-location/ #InternetofThings #cybersecurity #Security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
#internetofthings #cybersecurity #security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
TechcrunchSecurity: Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/02/smart-chastity-cage-emails-passwords-location/ #InternetofThings #cybersecurity #Security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
#internetofthings #cybersecurity #security #hackers #sextoys #sextoy
Cyberspionage: Chinesische Gruppe hat deutsche Kartographiebehörde gehackt | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Cyberspionage-Chinesische-Gruppe-hat-deutsche-Kartographiebehoerde-gehackt-9291268.html #Hacking #CyberCrime #APT31 #APT15 #IoT #InternetOfThings #InternetDerDinge
#hacking #cybercrime #APT31 #apt15 #iot #internetofthings #internetderdinge
The Internet of Things sounds like a Dark Souls boss
It'd be like Deacons of the Deep from DS3 but they're all memes
#cybersecurity #internetofthings
SecurityAffairs: Updated Kmsdx botnet targets IoT devices https://securityaffairs.com/149970/cyber-crime/kmsdbot-botnet-new-version.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #InternetofThings #SecurityAffairs #KmsdBotbotnet #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #CyberCrime #Cybercrime #Hacking #Malware #malware #botnet #IoT
#informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #internetofthings #securityaffairs #kmsdbotbotnet #breakingnews #securitynews #hackingnews #cybercrime #hacking #malware #botnet #iot
A lot of ghost stories can be abstracted into that there is a "state" where there should be none; houses keeping the routines of the old dead owners, dolls remembering the name of kids...
With #IoT we are basically making everything haunted by introducing hidden states to our everyday objects. This brings up a need for proper digital exorcists.
We are building a world filled with witchcraft and wonders.
#iot #ghosts #internetofthings
SecurityAffairs: TP-Link Tapo L530E smart bulb flaws allow hackers to steal user passwords https://securityaffairs.com/149783/hacking/tp-link-tapo-l530e-smart-bulb-flaws.html #TPLinkTapoL530Esmartbulb #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #InternetofThings #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #hackingnews #Hacking
#tplinktapol530esmartbulb #informationsecuritynews #itinformationsecurity #pierluigipaganini #internetofthings #securityaffairs #breakingnews #securitynews #hackingnews #hacking
How to make an automatic sprinkler with ESP8266 controlled by Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #atmosphericpressure, #atmosphericpressuresensor, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #Dupontcables, #esp8266, #humidity, #internetofthings, #iot, #KiCad, #library, #lightintensity, #lightintensitysensor, #platformio, #resistor, #scheduler, #sensor, #sensors, #temperature, #tutorial, #wifi
#arduinocloud #atmosphericpressure #atmosphericpressuresensor #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #dupontcables #esp8266 #humidity #internetofthings #iot #kicad #library #lightintensity #lightintensitysensor #platformio #resistor #scheduler #sensor #sensors #temperature #tutorial #wifi