Zachariah · @zachariah
6 followers · 10 posts · Server

I’m still bummed about the popularity of when already exists. Too many cool niche communities host their live chat there, so I’ll have to use their proprietary product for now.

#internetrelaychat #irc #discord

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

My current WeeChat setup

Since it's come up in conversation a couple of times in the past week (waves at @snowdusk__ and @yarmo), here's a of my current setup (though with different buffers selected than my usual arrangement).

"What am I looking at on the screenshot?"

A buffer list ¹ on the left. Buffers represent the channels, private message streams and status timelines from the various chat media you are connected to.
Side the buffer list are a variety of horizontally and vertically panes, which @weechat called 'windows', each window showing the contents of one
² of the buffers.

"What buffers are visible in these window panes?"

From top left to bottom right these are:

"What's making it work?"

All running in a terminal multiplexer session, running under on , in the client.

(Repost to fix an at-mention...)


¹ though I still use script rather than the built-in buflist plugin because I'm too lazy to migrate my settings to make it look and act in the way I've gotten used to.
² or more, as buffers can be merged, displaying the contents of each of the merged buffers chronologically in the same window pane.


#screenshot #weechat #sourcehut #twitter #libpurple #bitlbee #chanmon #highmon #irc #openmsx #liberachat #msx #twitch #kikoskia #libera #tmux #wsl2 #windows #WindowsTerminalPreview #terminal #battlestations #chat #chatClients #IRCClients #IRCClient #internetrelaychat #MultiProtocol #foss #floss

Last updated 3 years ago