My second sponsored article for #CatchPoint is up! It covers their extensive #BGP monitoring capabilities. Useful for biz depending on Internet connectivity. #InternetRouting
#catchpoint #bgp #internetrouting
I was looking back in my old twitter archive (2020) and reminded about the proposal to ban TikTok in N.A. and remarking about the possibility of N.A. hard dore users finding VPNs to bypass any BGP censoring to China...The irony...
#musing #internetrouting #tiktok #censorship #irony
Map of Internet #Connectivity
• Nodes are #AutonomousSystems (AS)
• Node Size reflects Node's #NetworkCentrality
• Links show #InternetRouting between Nodes
#connectivity #autonomoussystems #networkcentrality #internetrouting #networkscience
Mistake or deliberate? China Telecom 'misdirected' traffic from some domestic US providers via 'mistakes' entered into the Border Gateway Protocol.
#china #internet #security #internetrouting #usa