Some of my #SpecialInterests that started off as Internet rabbit holes or random book store encounters:
• knot theory
• triply periodic minimal surfaces
• standard model particles
• sword making
• evolutionary biology
• human migration
• maille
#specialinterests #actuallyautistic #internetsearch
The whiteness of Google search results. #111Words #Google #InternetSearch #Anki #LearningSpanish #Flashcards #Whiteness #Bias
#bias #whiteness #flashcards #LearningSpanish #anki #internetsearch #Google #111words
All I wanted to know is how old Isaac and Ezra Robinson are, and internet search engines are not very helpful at all (I think 22 and 20, respectively, but who knows?)
If someone isn’t in Wikipedia, it’s very hard to find accurate info about them online anymore
Juror jailed for causing rape trial to collapse by researching defendant online | Crime | The Guardian
#juror #rapetrial #internet #internetsearch #carr
I tried to find a picture of the talking compact Mac that Microsoft word for classic Mac OS shipped with as an alternative to #Clippy using #Google, #Bing, #DuckDuckGo, and #Neeva and failed so hard. 🫠 #search #internetSearch
#clippy #google #bing #duckduckgo #neeva #search #internetsearch
How to Reverse Image Search on iPhone
'Reverse image search is an incredibly useful technology, allowing you to locate online photos that are an exact match or similar in some way to your own. It can also be used to search for products and places just by supplying a picture, even if it’s an image that you found online. With the right app, it’s possible to get a live result from your smartphone’s camera.'
Report: Microsoft plans to update Bing with a faster version of ChatGPT in the coming weeks
\Microsoft is working to incorporate a faster version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, known as GPT-4, into Bing in the coming weeks in a move that would make the search engine more competitive with Google, according to a new report from Semafor. The integration would see Bing using GPT-4 to answer search queries.'
#internetsearch #searchengines #ms #microsoft #bing
The real reason #Internet #search companies are at risk is that they let their experience degenerate into a spam-ridden, #SEO-fueled hellscape, optimizing themselves into irrelevancy.
I guess we'll get confidently wrong answers from #ChatGPT instead, until we move past ad-based business models for this.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetSearch
#internet #search #seo #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #internetsearch