I feel like we need a better system for recovering lost #2FA tokens since saving a recovery code is the same as having a password and saving SMS/email info as alternatives defeats the purpose of 2FA...
#2fa #internet #internetsecurity #passwords
How to protect your privacy online - Discover effective strategies to maintain online privacy and lear... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/how-to-protect-your-privacy-online #personalinformationprotection #internetsecurity #digitalsecurity #dataprotection #onlineprivacy #onlinesafety
#onlinesafety #onlineprivacy #dataprotection #digitalsecurity #internetsecurity #personalinformationprotection
Some people don't realize that they are leaking their email address to the world at large, opening themselves up to hackers and scammers. How wide spread is your emails? #blog #internetsecurity #socialmedia https://medium.com/@JudyLMohr/how-wide-spread-is-your-email-address-abd6bab6218d
#blog #internetsecurity #socialmedia
Such a good explanation about what RSA is and does: https://open.lbry.com/@RobBraxmanTech:6/Rsa-x:4
#Encryption #RSA #PrivateKey #PublicKey #RobBraxman #RobBraxmanTech #Tech #Security #Internet #InternetSecurity #Privacy
#encryption #rsa #privatekey #publickey #robbraxman #robbraxmantech #Tech #security #internet #internetsecurity #privacy
Biggest surprise since booting up my first #PiHole yesterday:
From my iPhone, in 8 hours OVERNIGHT, the #komoot app has tried to phone home to “tracking.komoot.de” nearly 1800 times.
This is a Facebook + Komoot tracker according to https://www.kuketz-blog.de/komoot-facebook-geht-mit-auf-tour/
Going on holiday for a few days before I’ve had a chance to setup a VPN to stay on the home network. Might just delete the app till then …
#RaspberryPi #InternetSecurity #Tracking #Security #InfoSec #BikeTooter
#biketooter #infosec #security #tracking #internetsecurity #raspberrypi #komoot #pihole
As much of the web is blocking #Tor, it can access this server & our toots.
Is the Tor Network an #InternetSecurity risk for #Mastodon?
https://www.howtogeek.com/142380/htg-explains-is-tor-really-anonymous-and-secure/ #HowToGeek
#tor #internetsecurity #mastodon #howtogeek
"Help me, mom"
It's not an unreasonable txt for a #parent to get from their #teenagers. But it is also one of the most common txting #scam around. This #blog talks about how the work and how to avoid being conned out of your hard earned money. #internetsecurity
#parent #teenagers #scam #blog #internetsecurity
I'm diving into the scams again, putting on my bad guy hat. The latest #blog post explores the "Help me, mom" txting scams. #parenting #teenagers #internetsecurity https://judylmohr.com/2023/06/30/help-me-mom-scams/
#blog #parenting #teenagers #internetsecurity
Every time there is another #SocialMedia crisis, there is this suggestion that social media should be listed as adults only. But is that really the best idea? Let's face it, teenagers are incredibly smart when it comes to technology. #blog #InternetSecurity #parenting #WritingCommunity https://medium.com/@JudyLMohr/should-social-media-be-an-adult-only-zone-36960cc7f5dd
#socialmedia #blog #internetsecurity #parenting #writingcommunity
Hey #writingcommunity, #writers and other creative types... I'm in the process of rewriting my book on building online platforms safely, incorporating some of the new tricks (and issues) that have cropped up over the last 5 years. But I would love to hear from you about some of the things that you wish you knew but had to find out the hard way.
#InternetSecurity #internet #SocialMedia
#writingcommunity #writers #internetsecurity #internet #socialmedia
Redkey USB V5: la chiavetta che cancella i dati instataneamente
#cybersecurity #infosec #datasecurity #networksecurity #cyberawareness #privacy #cybercrime #secure #antivirus #cyberdefense #dataprotection #malware #cyberthreats #phishing #businesssecurity #passwordsecurity #iotsecurity #securityawareness #cyberattack #onlineprotection #cloudsecurity #cybersafety #cyberhygiene #cyberresilience #cybereducation #internetsecurity
#cybersecurity #infosec #datasecurity #networksecurity #CyberAwareness #privacy #cybercrime #secure #antivirus #cyberdefense #dataprotection #malware #cyberthreats #phishing #businesssecurity #passwordsecurity #iotsecurity #securityawareness #cyberattack #onlineprotection #cloudsecurity #cybersafety #cyberhygiene #CyberResilience #cybereducation #internetsecurity
This may help increase #Email security. But, at this point, I think I would have gone with green clovers, pink hearts, orange stars and/or yellow moons before adopting #BlueCheckMarks .
#Gmail #InternetSecurity
#email #bluecheckmarks #gmail #internetsecurity
I'm an expert in #InternetSecurity... but not the "technical" side, more rather the psycholocial side. It's something that grew out of necessity. As a parent, I had to learn all I could to ensure that my children knew how to navigate this world safely. And I share my knowledge about how to keep ourselves safe online via my blogs. Here is the latest #HiddenTraps post on my personal #blog.
#blogging https://judylmohr.com/2023/04/28/online-friendship-scams/
#internetsecurity #hiddentraps #blog #blogging
A cybersecurity take on #misinformation and #disinformation.
#cybersecurity #software #SocialMedia #Canada #InternetSecurity #FactsMatter
#factsmatter #internetsecurity #Canada #socialmedia #software #cybersecurity #disinformation #misinformation
TLDR: Amazon security problems. Change & flush your amazon passwords to new, strong ones.
Details (1): https://sackheads.social/@Cloudguy/110256209708866473
Details (2): https://auspicacious.org/posts/2023/04/26/flush-amazon-credentials-now/
Don't get scammed by shady online job postings with these helpful hints! Check out my latest article now. #jobs #scams #internetsecurity
#internetsecurity #scams #jobs
Anyone who can point me to a good guide for how to set up an Synology DS NAS?
Since the internet have upgraded I can't get the vpn connection to work on my ASUS router but my quickconnect.to find It's way to my nas from outside but everything that is available on the net MUST have good security standard.
#internetsecurity #quickconnect #ds718plus
Dutch governments have to implement the #RPKI standard on new and existing systems by the end of 2024, making internet routing more secure: https://forumstandaardisatie.nl/nieuws/secured-internet-routing-dutch-government-end-2024
#internetsecurity #routing
#routing #internetsecurity #rpki
Applications are now open for the MANRS Mentors and Ambassadors Program.
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#MANRS #Routing #RoutingSecurity #Internet #InternetSecurity #BGP #Security #mentoring #mentorship #mentors
#manrs #routing #routingsecurity #internet #internetsecurity #bgp #security #mentoring #mentorship #mentors
MANRS by the numbers (and people) in 2022📈
#MANRS #Routing #RoutingSecurity #Internet #InternetSecurity
#manrs #routing #routingsecurity #internet #internetsecurity