#Internetshutdowns: Here's how #governments do it
#internetshutdowns #governments
#InternetShutdowns to silence protests are a tactic increasingly used by governments. WZB researcher Lisa Garbe
explains how shutdowns work technically and how they can be circumvented and detected in
Inside the war India doesn’t want the world to see
From bombings to beheadings, ethnic violence has engulfed Manipur for the last two months. Facing an internet blackout and little word from prime minister Narendra Modi on the crisis, Namita Singh reports from a state that has been pushed to the brink of civil war.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #meiteis #kukis #zos #majoritarianism #BJP #NarendraModi #ManipurUnrest #HumanRights #displacement #InternetShutdowns #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #meiteis #kukis #zos #majoritarianism #BJP #narendramodi #manipurunrest #humanrights #displacement #internetshutdowns #india
#EU #DSA #Censorship #SocialMedia #InternetShutdowns: "Access Now and 65 civil society organisations from across the world are demanding clarification on European Commissioner Thierry Breton’s incendiary statements suggesting that arbitrary blocking of online platforms could be enforced and justified under the Digital Services Act (DSA). As it stands, there is no measure within the DSA to interfere with the right to receive and impart information online that isn’t considered a “last resort” measure, and planting a contrary notion is irresponsible and unnecessary. Read the open statement."
#eu #dsa #Censorship #socialmedia #internetshutdowns
#India #InternetShutdowns #Censorship: "Why do Indian authorities excessively rely on internet shutdowns when compared to the rest of the world?
According to Radhika Jhalani, Volunteer Legal Counsel at the Software Freedom Law Center, “internet shutdowns are an easy, low-hanging fruit to tackle law and order breakdowns”.
A 2021 study by Dutch political scientist Kris Ruijgrok had, among other things, found that “[i]nternet shutdowns have become a first – instead of a last – resort for officials challenged with communal or social unrest”.
Jhalani underscored, however, that there is no evidence that such restrictions actually help control the situation. Instead, such shutdowns prevent accurate information from reaching the public, she added.
She emphasised that there must be more awareness about the devastating impact of such shutdowns on the lives of ordinary people. “For instance, gig workers lose their livelihoods on days when the internet is not available,” she said. “Digital payments get stuck.”"
#india #internetshutdowns #Censorship
Backstory: Revisiting the Ruins of Kashmir’s Media Ahead of the Fourth Anniversary of August 5
A combination of media manipulation and military mobilisation marked those early days. As additional reinforcements of security forces were marched in to complement the estimated 700,000 Indian armed personnel permanently stationed in Kashmir (and this may be a gross underestimation), there was a media gag so impenetrable, so sudden, so cynical, so ruthless, that the entire region was blindsided.
#kashmir #article370abrogation #PressFreedom #media #militarisation #HumanRights #InternetShutdowns #BJP #constitution #hindutva #india
#kashmir #article370abrogation #pressfreedom #media #militarisation #humanrights #internetshutdowns #BJP #constitution #hindutva #india
Internet Ban: Supreme Court to hear Manipur government’s plea
On July 7, the Manipur High Court had directed to lift the ban on providing internet through Internet Lease Line (ILL) across the state.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #InternetShutdowns #censorship #ManipurGovt #SupremeCourt #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #internetshutdowns #censorship #manipurgovt #supremecourt #india
Macron mulls social media shutdowns to contain civil disorder https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/macron-mulls-social-media-shutdowns-to-contain-civil-disorder/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #France #internetshutdowns #riots #socialmedia
#France #internetshutdowns #riots #socialmedia
Macron mulls social media shutdowns to contain civil disorder https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/macron-mulls-social-media-shutdowns-to-contain-civil-disorder/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #France #internetshutdowns #riots #socialmedia
#France #internetshutdowns #riots #socialmedia
Internet shutdowns:
⚙️ Disrupt productivity
💳 Prevent ecommerce
📉 Generate monetary losses for time-sensitive transactions
🚫 Increase unemployment
See the economic impact of an Internet shutdown with our Pulse site's new NetLoss Calculator:
#internet #internetaccess #internetshutdowns #keepiton
Pakistan's 4-day Internet shutdown in May led to:
📉USD 17M losses in GDP
💶 ~ USD 400K losses in Foreign Direct Investment
☹️123 job losses
🚫4% increase in risk of future shutdowns
❓unmeasurable impact on 10s millions who rely on the Internet
#keepiton #internetaccess #internetshutdowns #internet #pakistan
Today #Iraq continued its policy of shutting down the Internet during school exams for the sixth time since June 1.
As we've said before, #InternetShutdowns harm the economy and prevent people from communicating, collaborating, and connecting.
#iraq #internetshutdowns #keepiton #noexamshutdown
Why Manipur Shouldn't Surprise Us: A Roundup of Civil Violence Cases Since 2014
The past few years have seen their share of unrest and protests, to which governments often responded with internet shutdowns. But not so much has been seen by way of reconciliation or other mechanisms to resolve issues underlying the troubles.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #FarmersProtest #agnipath #CAA #NRC #JatReservation #PatelReservation #InternetShutdowns #BJP #hindutva #reservations #CivilViolence #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #FarmersProtest #agnipath #caa #nrc #jatreservation #patelreservation #internetshutdowns #BJP #hindutva #reservations #civilviolence #india
From our Pulse platform:
#Internet shutdown observed in #Senegal 🇸🇳. Access to social networks and messaging services have been blocked amid protests.
More at: https://pulse.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/senegal-blocks-social-media-and-instant-messaging-amidst-protests
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn
#internet #senegal #internetshutdowns #keepiton
From our Pulse platform:
Internet shutdown observed in #Mauritanie 🇲🇷. Mobile Internet access down after protests erupted over the death of a young man in custody.
More at: https://pulse.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/mauritania-blocks-mobile-internet-during-protests
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn
#mauritanie #internetshutdowns #keepiton #mauritania #internet #internetaccess
Alphabet shareholders raise concerns about Google data center expansion in India over human rights issues
Shareholders have asked Alphabet's Board of Directors to commission a report assessing the siting of Google Cloud Data Centers in such countries, regulatory filings showed.
#alphabet #google #DataCentres #india #HumanRights #InternetShutdowns
#alphabet #Google #DataCentres #india #humanrights #internetshutdowns
Internet shutdown observed in #Guinea 🇬🇳. There are reports of blocked social media and messaging services during ongoing protests.
More at:
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn #InternetAccess
#guinea #internetshutdowns #keepiton #internetaccess
Join the effort to demand authorities in MENA (Middle East and Northern Africa) countries guarantee free and open access to the Internet during upcoming exams.
#NoExamShutdown #KeepItOn #InternetAccess #Internet #InternetShutdowns
#noexamshutdown #keepiton #internetaccess #internet #internetshutdowns
Pulse from the Internet Society monitors the Internet around the world and notes shutdowns. They also write interesting blog articles. I'm glad I subscribed to their RSS feed.
Take Action Against Exam Shutdowns https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog/take-action-against-exam-shutdowns#NoExamShutdown #Internet #InternetShutdown #InternetShutdowns
#internetshutdowns #internetshutdown #internet
Day 2 of #DRIF23 in Nairobi! Today we attended the session 'Evading accountability through #internetshutdowns: Trends in Africa and the Middle East' with
@globalpartnersd &
For those interested in #internetshutdowns, we have in-depth #legal resources available on the topic of restricting access to the internet/online content as part of our modules on #digitalrights and #freedomofexpression online in sub-Saharan Africa: https://www.mediadefence.org/resource-hub/restricting-access-to-the-internet-and-online-content/
#drif23 #internetshutdowns #legal #digitalrights #freedomofexpression