jiujensu · @jiujensu
272 followers · 928 posts · Server mas.to

Democracy Now does a story on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki events and survivors every year. There's an impressive archive, all generally urging peace. Such a difference to the US where we're always looking for and generating new ways to kill and people we think "deserve" it.

Last Witnesses: Reflections on the Wartime Internment of Japanese Americans goodreads.com/book/show/523956

#nuclearwar #loydamartinez #internmentcamps #oppenheimer

Last updated 1 year ago

oatmeal 🐧 · @oatmeal
66 followers · 717 posts · Server emacs.ch

@histodons I’m sure there’s precedence, but the juxtaposition of capitalism and bigotry is not always so obvious … though shows us exactly where America wants to go back too … wonder how Anna Frank’s journal would be re-edited by , which clearly shouldn’t be in the business of education npr.org/2023/04/15/1169848627/

#selfcensorship #usa #racism #internmentcamps #desantis #scholastic

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth Rynecki · @erynecki
154 followers · 580 posts · Server sfba.social

My friend Emi Kuboyama is the co-creator of Redress, a short film that provides the first in-depth look at the historic Japanese-American reparations program as told by those who both administered and participated in it. youtube.com/watch?v=Y3hcqTTQFU

#wwii #reparations #japaneseamerican #internmentcamps

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeanne (spellboundblog) · @jkramersmyth
471 followers · 707 posts · Server digipres.club

"Decades after more than 100,000 Japanese Americans were forced into camps during World War II, a UMD archival expert is making sure the dark history of their management finally comes to light."


#universityofmaryland #wwii #internmentcamps #truth #archives

Last updated 2 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Better yet, 's threats against politicians has provoked some very stern words from 's foreign minister who condemned for not honoring its own approach in and for in .

Well done, Wang Yi: You're an expert in flinging shit into a fan. has really lost its way under . The is massively overplaying its hand, and this is sure to backfire. Enough is enough.

#wangyi #czech #germany #heikomaas #china #onestatetwosystems #hongkong #internmentcamps #xinjiang #xijinping #ccp

Last updated 4 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Imagine you're one of the very few MPs in , and you know no better but to lobby heavily for the and - the very same people that put more than one million muslims in in .

looks like one of those self-regarding and greedy bastards who happily sell their soul for some money. heavily banks on fools like him to expand its influence, push its narrative and yes: to spy.

#muslim #nsw #ccp #xijinping #internmentcamps #xinjiang #ShaoquettMoselmane #beijing #australia

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

To all those saying that the are just as bad as : You are either utterly clueless or paid propaganda minions of Beijing.

The laughable actions of the administration can be openly criticized without the risk of getting arrested and jailed.

The episodes with Özil/Arsenal and the Houston Rockets/NBA show which is the totalitarian state of the two.

for ethnic minorities exist in and and not in the US.

Your stink.

#unitedstates #china #trump #internmentcamps #xinjiang #tibet #whataboutisms

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

FFS comparing its system of to brainwash into submission to |s is next-level shameless. Boycott for its inhumane and insane war on an in . And yes: Rest assured that the same crap has happened and is still happening in . China is the modern-day Nazi Germany, not sorry to state the obvious.

#beijing #internmentcamps #uyghurs #boardingschool #china #ethnicminority #xinjiang #tibet

Last updated 5 years ago

Michel Salim :TwinPines: · @michel_slm
134 followers · 1165 posts · Server social.coop