So, uh... #GiveUpGitHub
I knew I had to give it up when I started #interpeer. Went with GitLab instead as the lesser of the major evils.
Now we're fully on @codeberg , since a small number of months ago.
Way ahead of the curve, it seems.
@onepict ... #interpeer is that it is legally bound by its mission, so can't go a for-profit route, but it can still conduct non-public business. This is very specifically to support selling commercial licenses other than the default GPL. Income from that must, as per public interest mission, be reinvested into the mission (but is taxable income).
I'm not sure how well it will...
The only way a next generation web will avoid repeating mistakes of the current web is if it is not entangled in a philosophy that treats human relationships as transactional.
That means it cannot be built around a digital currency *as a core concept*.
Otherwise you reduce this web to a mere marketplace. Which is fine, but then don't confuse it with the web. The web was built to exchange ideas, not for trade.
#web5 #web0 #web3 #crypto #interpeer
@humanetech Agreed.
Incidentally, if I ever get the #interpeer thing into a complete enough shape, one application I keep coming back to is a distributed MOO engine.
That's not *very* different; conceptually, mostly in terms of the presentation layer, but of course that will have knock-on effects.
Very TL;DR, and very half baked at this stage, though.
@atomicpoet Welcome to the #interpeer project, or at least where I hope it'll be in a few months.
Ok, ok, ok. #interpeer NGO paperwork is signed.
T-0 for #interpeer NGO. Signing is scheduled for 2pm. An hour from now. Should I start a minute countdown?
@onepict @distractedmosfet I'm also very interested in this kind of thing from my #interpeer point of view. It's abundantly clear that computers do better with categories provided by schemata, but the web and search engines also demonstrate clearly that most people don't care. is interesting to me because it's specifically aimed at bridging that gap: it provides schema keywords with which you can e.g. decorate your website content such that it looks more structured to crawlers and...
@humanetech @jonny @natacha @agora @skohub @onepict @naturzukunft @pukkamustard Yeah, I'm aware of it!
It's one of those projects that makes me nervous, because there is *a lot* of design overlap with #interpeer - and we're behind, so that doesn't feel great.
OTOH there are also *a lot* of detail differences, and, needless to say I suppose, I think they matter greatly in the long run.
So in a sense, it's up to us now to show why, which will take a bit of work still.
Ok, ok, ok. FINALLY the date is set for signing the founding documents for the #interpeer non-profit. June 1st.
Feelings of legitimacy overwhelm me, please send help.
@rysiek @selea @EU_Commission Incidentally, there are a few @NGIZero funded projects present here who take care of human rights as best as possible in their work, including my own #interpeer project.
It's also worth noting that we - tech that is - has worked for years on human rights guidelines such as , work that is performed by EU civil society amongst others. We, generally speaking, have a good understanding of the solution space.
Mass surveillance is not in it.
Since I started migrating #interpeer projects to @codeberg, I had to get used to using @WoodpeckerCI instead of gitlab's.
Works like a charm, once you get used to it being a little more bare bones. But as a matter of fact, it actually works *better* that way.
Anyhow, I was maintaining some docker images for the CI, and they worked just fine, but their naming was tied to gitlab, and the source was hosted on github (yeah...).
This is now moved to codeberg, though, under
@soapdog It's more distribution oriented, but I can certainly tell you all about #interpeer's protocols...
So GitLab has updated their terms for hosting FOSS projects, which means I have to submit proofs to them that #interpeer is all non-profit stuff. Fine, in principle. BUT! tthe process seems to have gotten more complex and error prone.
I'm confused, and am thinking of moving off there to @codeberg a little sooner. But that means losing CI unless I set up @WoodpeckerCI .
I've got a ton on my plate without added ops work. Is there anyone who can assist or knows a FOSS friendly hoster?
Hi there,
my name is Jens; nice to meet you!
I figured it was time for a new #introduction.
A few years back I started the #interpeer project to provide a next generation internet that better incorporates human rights protections. No, I don't expect to be done anytime soon :) I'm likely to barge into discussions adjacent to this topic.
I live in the countryside with my family and my tortoise, and like watching things grow.
I also started the #metalmittwoch tag. Maybe that's for you?
#introduction #interpeer #metalmittwoch
In just under 3 hours, I'm going to talk at #LFNW2022 :
The talk is planned as a slight update, but also much of a repeat of my FOSDEM talk a couple of months ago. We've made good progress since then.
See you then?
#LFNW2022 #interpeer #rest #humanrights #internet