Be CAREFUL with BCC: In this next video in the new #emailetiquette #microlearning series, I discuss a BIG risk when you use B.C.C. #BCC -- when the BCC party hits #Reply All! Check out this quick video and share to avoid a big hit to your #trust account. #communicationskills #interpersonalcommunication #email #emailmanagement
#emailetiquette #microlearning #bcc #reply #trust #communicationskills #interpersonalcommunication #email #emailmanagement
OK, this is one of the hotter topics in all things #emailetiquette -- Reply All! In this short video, I share why I strongly believe Reply All should be used sparingly if ever ...
Let's think before send, and REALLY think before Reply All! Use and share this one so we can make the world a better place one emailer at a time!
#productivity #communicationskills #email #interpersonalcommunication #workplace #reply
#emailetiquette #productivity #communicationskills #email #interpersonalcommunication #workplace #reply
What “Succession” Can Teach Us About Regret
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #BalancingWorkAndFamily #WorkLifeBalance #PersonalGrowthAndTransformation #ListeningSkills #DifficultConversations #ManagingConflicts #InterpersonalCommunication #ManagingYourself
#digitalarticle #balancingworkandfamily #WorkLifeBalance #personalgrowthandtransformation #listeningskills #difficultconversations #managingconflicts #interpersonalcommunication #managingyourself
How to Make Difficult Conversations Worse, as Seen on “Succession”
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #LeadershipStyles #LeadershipAndManagingPeople #MotivatingPeople #InterpersonalSkills #InterpersonalCommunication #DifficultConversations
#digitalarticle #leadershipstyles #leadershipandmanagingpeople #motivatingpeople #interpersonalskills #interpersonalcommunication #difficultconversations
“Resilient” Isn’t the Compliment You Think It Is
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #InterpersonalCommunication #MarginalizedGroups #DiversityAndInclusion
#digitalarticle #interpersonalcommunication #marginalizedgroups #diversityandinclusion
When — and How — to Keep a Poker Face at Work
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #PersonalGrowthAndTransformation #InterpersonalSkills #InterpersonalCommunication #DifficultConversations #ManagingYourself
#digitalarticle #personalgrowthandtransformation #interpersonalskills #interpersonalcommunication #difficultconversations #managingyourself
3 Rhetorical Techniques to Increase Your Impact
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #PublicSpeaking #InterpersonalCommunication #Persuasion
#digitalarticle #publicspeaking #interpersonalcommunication #persuasion
For anytime someone administers valid or invalid criticism to me & I'm uncertain how to respond, I plan on saying, "My bio pic is really writing itself these days," & then, respond with the appropriate amount of accountability & self-respect.
It seems like a confident, multipurpose response possibly indicating to the interlocutor both radical acceptance and neutral but willing reception. Shouldn't be used often at all really, but I think it's a good one.
#interpersonalcommunication #march2023