I am a fan of #InterpersonalNeurobiology because I reckon to be human is to be a living *organism*. I know the mystery of consciousness remains, yet I really can't vibe with any kind of soul/matter dualism. Thought is sensory, emotion is physical, and relationship is an active occurance, in my lived experience. Of course, there is so much about _how_ experience arises which is not depicted in the realm of experience itself. The body is the unconscious, in this respect.
In practice, #InterpersonalNeurobiology helps me remember the twin pillars of "presence and authority"(#Alcee's terms). Relational connection and theoretical clout. As McGilchrist emphasises, the second is in service of the first and should not lead. Left brain serves right brian, in a balanced system. Theory must be embodied like harmonic structures are in music. Often invisible.
#interpersonalneurobiology #alcee
I also feel #InterpersonalNeurobiology helps me ground #existential givens in an embodied human-as-lifeform. We are "wired for connection" and derive 'meaning' in experience of interconnectedness. The nervous system is scrambled by attachment loss and dread is the state of thwarted connection drives. Left-hemisphere need for "coherent narrative" also breaks down at the edges of what can be experientially modelled (eg death) and is often relieved by visions of everlasting connection.
#interpersonalneurobiology #existential
I also feel #InterpersonalNeurobiology helps me ground #existential givens in an embodied human-as-lifeform. We are "wired for connection" and derive 'meaning' in experience of interconnectedness. The nervous system is scrambled by attachment loss and a dread is the state of thwarted connection drives. Left-hemisphere need for "coherent narrative" also breaks down at the edges of what can be experientially modelled (eg death) and is often relieved by visions of everlasting connection.
#interpersonalneurobiology #existential
Another thing that #InterpersonalNeurobiology has helped me understand is the relevance of #DriveTheory. #Paanksepp's 7 emotional drive systems, though they do not map neatly onto #Freudian drive theory as such, offer me understanding of how innate capacity for seeking, rage, care, sex, etc. form natural strategies for meeting out developmental needs working at a preconscious level.
#interpersonalneurobiology #drivetheory #paanksepp #freudian
One of the other things #InterpersonalNeurobiology helps me understand is how #ObjectRelations is not an abstraction, no metaphor, but the the recreation, though the mirror neuron system, of implicit intentionality felt in relationship. An almost literal pairing of vital energy, collected and replayed in response to an emotionally significant other.
#interpersonalneurobiology #objectrelations
Among many of the things #InterpersonalNeurobiology has helped me understand is how #Rogerian core conditions operate through the mechanism of "safety" helping us enter and model the ventral vagal state essential for both communication and a disconfirming, healing interpersonal experience.
#interpersonalneurobiology #rogerian
I'm a huge fan of #InterpersonalNeurobiology (Siegel, Badenoch, Stanley, Schore et al). It has been _the_ integrating factor in #psychotherapy for me.
The model which tells me how #ObjectRelations and #CoreConditions join up, how #AttachmentTheory and #Existential concerns interrelate, and why cognition based approaches only scratch the surface while transference is real and embodied.
I think I'll get around to some more posts at some point, on how IB can bridge all these.
#interpersonalneurobiology #psychotherapy #objectrelations #coreconditions #AttachmentTheory #existential
I’ve not made a #TherapistsConnect intro yet. I joined M a few days ago.
I'm Gram, I m in private practice as an Integrative #Counsellor in the SW UK.
Areas of interest are
- #InterpersonalNeurobiology
- #CompassionFocusedTherapy
- #RelationalPsychotherapy
My main interest in #TherapistsOfMastodon is for:
- Learning recommendations
- Peer support
- Broader ethical discussion
Hi. Looking forward to interacting.
#TherapistsConnect #counsellor #interpersonalneurobiology #compassionfocusedtherapy #relationalpsychotherapy #therapistsofmastodon