Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • 4
C.S. Peirce defines “logic” as “formal semiotic”, using “formal” to distinguish the role of logic as a normative science, over and above the more descriptive study of signs in the wild and their antics at large. Understanding logic as Peirce understood it therefore requires a companionstudy of semiotics, semiosis, and sign relations.
This is a Survey of blog and wiki resources on the theory of signs, also known as “semeiotic” or “semiotics”, and the actions referred to as “semiosis” which transform signs among themselves in relation to their objects, all as based on C.S. Peirce's concept of triadic sign relations.
Please follow the above link for the full set of resources.
Articles and blog series on the core ideas are linked below.
Elements —
• Semeiotic ( )
• Sign Relations ( )
Sources —
C.S. Peirce • On the Definition of Logic
C.S. Peirce • Logic as Semiotic
C.S. Peirce • Objective Logic
Blog Series —
• Semeiotic ( )
#Peirce #Logic #LogicAsSemiotics #Semeiotic #Semiotics #Semiosis
#RelationTheory #InterpretiveFrameworks #ObjectiveFrameworks
#SystemsOfInterpretation #SignRelations #TriadicRelations
#TriadicRelations #SignRelations #systemsofinterpretation #objectiveframeworks #interpretiveframeworks #RelationTheory #Semiosis #semiotics #Semeiotic #logicassemiotics #logic #Peirce
Systems of Interpretation • 1
Questions have arisen about the different styles of diagrams and figures used to represent triadic sign relations in Peircean semiotics. What do they mean? Which style is best? Among the most popular pictures some use geometric triangles while others use the three‑pronged graphs Peirce used in his logical graphs to represent triadic relations.
Diagrams and figures, like any signs, can serve to communicate the intended interpretants and thus to coordinate the conduct of interpreters toward the intended objects — but only in communities of interpretation where the conventions of interpretation are understood. Conventions of interpretation are by comparison far more difficult to communicate.
That brings us to the first question we have to ask about the possibility of communication in this area, namely, what conventions of interpretation are needed to make sense of these diagrams, figures, and graphs?
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #RelationTheory #Semiotics #Semiosis
#DiagrammaticReasoning #InterpretiveFrameworks #ObjectiveFrameworks
#SystemsOfInterpretation #SignRelations #TriadicRelations #Visualization
#visualization #TriadicRelations #SignRelations #systemsofinterpretation #objectiveframeworks #interpretiveframeworks #diagrammaticreasoning #Semiosis #semiotics #RelationTheory #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Formal Apology 10
Thus, a rigid reliance on a single hierarchy to define the ontology of a given domain passes over into a flexible application of interpretive frameworks to make contact with particular aspects of one's object domain.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Abstraction #Analogy #Aristotle #Hermeneutics #Paradigms
#paradigms #hermeneutics #aristotle #analogy #abstraction #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce #interpretiveframeworks
In the Way of Inquiry • Formal Apology 9
But a complex domain seldom falls out that neatly. The new interpretive framework will not preserve all the information in the object domain but typically capture only another aspect of it. In order to take the maximal advantage of all the different frameworks that might be devised it is best to quit depending on any one of them exclusively.
#InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce #interpretiveframeworks