Was experimenting around for a bit about #eInk for #Railway #Ticket #Aztec codes.
My aim was to display may daily #InterRail Aztec code on a small e-ink display at a lanyard rather than checking it out on my phone each and every ticket check.
My first attempt was a #badger2040 W as display device, but I figured out it does not have a sufficiently high resolution. Whereas the badger has a 296 x 128 px display, an InterRail Aztec requires at least 256 px to scan.
#eink #railway #Ticket #aztec #interrail #badger2040
Unfortunately due to ongoing issues after Storm Hans, I cannot travel south of Trondheim. So I’ve cancelled two sleeper train bookings and need to take a flight from Trondheim to Copenhagen and make it as far as Groningen tomorrow. #interrail
The 7am car ferry from Moskenes to Bodø and bye bye Lofotens. The car ferry is free if you are a foot passenger. From Bodø it is an onwards to Trondheim through the Arctic Circle #interrail
Ha! Noch ein #Interrail Bug 🤡 In/Outbound scheint bei Nachtzügen nicht korrekt zu funktionieren. Aber diesmal zum Vorteil des Nutzers! Obwohl ich offensichtlich nach DE fahre, zählt die App keinen Inbound-Tag. Ähhm ok, dann 😂 Ich frag mich echt, ob die App irgendeinen Bestandteil hat, der nicht verbuggt ist.
The #Grauniad seems obsessed with solo travel at the moment and I think I approve, although it's worth remembering you're never alone with a finger puppet.
Me, myself and #Interrail – a solo train trip around Europe
Arrived in Narvik after a spectacular descent along the Rombaken. A few hours to kill before my bus trip to Svolvær in the Lofoten Islands. The battle of Narvik was a pivotal battle of WWII and the museum is thoughtfully excellent #interrail
Thankfully my better half enjoys taking the train as much as I do.
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Me, myself and Interrail – a solo train trip around Europe
#takethetrain #interrail #traintravel #Railtravel #EuropeanTravel
#europeantravel #Railtravel #TrainTravel #interrail #takeTheTrain
From Koruna the landscape gets more stunning. Birch scrub, mountains with precipitous faces, distant glaciers and lakes #interrail
Get to the ferry though with 10 minutes to spare. Don’ t have time to argue with the driver, maybe they knew this. Now on to the Silja Symphony a huge super ferry that feels like a shopping centre. #interrail
But the lines are disrupted so can get as far as the Helsinki’s Central Station and get a cab. Unfortunately I get ripped off by the taxi. You get asked where you are going and then get led to a cab. It is only when it sets off do you realise that it has a very small sign saying minimum fare €30. #interrail
The first leg is on Tallink’s M/S MyStar one of the two super ferries that ply the route across the Baltic to Helsinki. In Helsinki it is a 45 minute short connection to get the Stockholm Ferry from another terminal. The idea was to get a tram. #interrail
Yesterday was goodbye to Tallinn and #OGPEstonia. It was inspiring to see so many pro democracy people and to hear and share in their experiences. I had to get back to Stockholm to get the train to Narvik though #interrail
Time to move back to #sweden ! 🇫🇷 -> 🇸🇪
When traveling in #europe by train, the best trick is to use an #interrail pass.
It costs only 300€ to do a round trip if you are less than 26.
Cheaper than plane or taking train tickets separately.
#sweden #europe #interrail #TrainTravel #railplanner
Mal wieder sehr absurd. Die Daten UIC Merits und #Interrail sind sich weder über Ankunftszeit(?) noch über das Ziel des Zuges einig. Und die slowenische Bahn hat ihre internationale Website (die letztens eh schon kaputt war) jetzt komplett abgeschaltet. 🤡
Alles ein einziges Trauerspiel. Eher CrossBorderFail statt #CrossBorderRail
Turen fra København til Gøteborg gikk bra. Det ble en liten forsinkelse på grunn av banearbeider.
Tips: På togferie er det lurt å ha litt ekstra tid å gå på ved togbytte.
Nå har jeg sjekket inn på hotellet. Det ble ikke junior suite denne gangen, men rommet jeg fikk er bra!
I går var en fantastisk dag i København. Skikkelig sommerfølelse med sol og god temperatur. Folk lå ute og solte seg og stemningen var god.
Selv brukte jeg dagen på å vandre rundt fra Nyhavn og Kastellet til Den lille havfruen.
Nå på vei til Gøteborg.
Tallinn! Arrived at 10.30 this morning, so discounting the #railstrike it has taken 49 hours to get here overland/sea from Manchester. It is more expensive than flying, took a lot longer, but has been a lot of fun. Returning via Narvik will be interesting #Interrail #OGPEstonia
#railstrike #interrail #ogpestonia
My summer of train travel so far.....and we still have one travel day left on the #Interrail pass 🥰 No more Interrail trips allowed in #Austria (home country) but maybe we will make it to the Czech Republic for a quick day trip! From #Austria, through #Germany, #Denmark, #Norway, #Sweden, #Poland and yesterday a quick hop over to #Hungary ! #FlightFree #flygskammen #slowtravel
#slowtravel #flygskammen #FlightFree #hungary #Poland #sweden #norway #denmark #Germany #austria #interrail