#Question: what are your favorite #software tools for visualizing new #roadway and #intersection designs?
If you wanted to communicate how a proposed intersection or roadway redesign would look and feel to the public, what would you use?
I'm looking specifically for examples of tools that are fairly easy to use by non-experts and can create realistic renderings suitable for #public engagement.
Thank you!
#transport #planning #engineering #biketooter #visualization
#question #software #roadway #intersection #Public #transport #planning #engineering #BikeTooter #visualization
new york city
soho, corner of canal street and west broadway
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #color #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #soho #canalstreet #westbroadway #streetphotography #streetlife #street #buildings #corner #intersection #architecture #fireescapes #stoplights #signs #phonebooth #1970s
#photography #film #color #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #soho #canalstreet #westbroadway #streetphotography #streetlife #street #buildings #corner #intersection #architecture #fireescapes #stoplights #signs #phonebooth #1970s
new york city
october 1970
greenwich village
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #village #greenwichvillage #city #people #pedestrians #buildings #corner #intersection #streetphotography #candid #streetlife #7thavenue #christopherstreet #1970s
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #village #greenwichvillage #city #people #pedestrians #buildings #corner #intersection #streetphotography #candid #streetlife #7thavenue #christopherstreet #1970s
new york city
march 1970
west 14th street & 6th avenue
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #west14thstreet #6thavenue #city #people #men #oldmen #pedestrians #corner #intersection #streetphotography #candid #streetlife #1970s
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #west14thstreet #6thavenue #city #people #men #oldmen #pedestrians #corner #intersection #streetphotography #candid #streetlife #1970s
When overlaying polygons is part of the maneuver,
the question “intersects or intersection” begs conjecture.
If I need a polygon layer to clip the other,
then st_intersection works just like a cookie cutter.
While st_intersects returns a list of overlapping features.
#gischat #limrigis #intersection #spatial
A mapper up in Bern was showing urban transportation.
All streets were digitized, ignoring any junction.
She looked for handy operations
to split each line at intersections,
and found that GRASS v.clean does just that function.
#gischat #grassgis #limrigis #intersection
Vignesh is a great follow
RT @viggyswam
Check out how effective dedicated signal timing for cyclists can improve safety at the intersection
#infrastructure #protectedcorner #MUTCD #Engineering #quickbuild #NACTO #tacticalurbanism #intersection
#infrastructure #protectedcorner #mutcd #engineering #Quickbuild #nacto #tacticalurbanism #intersection
Diesmal die Perspektive durch den Tunnel unter dem Gebäude.
#train #cargotrain #güterzug #tramway #straßenbahn #kreuzung #crossing #intersection #zug #eisenbahn #trainspotter #trainspotting #cologne #köln #braunsfeld
#train #cargotrain #guterzug #tramway #straßenbahn #kreuzung #crossing #intersection #Zug #eisenbahn #trainspotter #trainspotting #cologne #koln #Braunsfeld
Güterzug kreuzt Straßenbahn in #Köln
#train #cargotrain #güterzug #tramway #straßenbahn #kreuzung #crossing #intersection #zug #eisenbahn #trainspotter #trainspotting
und fährt danach durch ein Haus 😛
#koln #train #cargotrain #guterzug #tramway #straßenbahn #kreuzung #crossing #intersection #Zug #eisenbahn #trainspotter #trainspotting
One of my favorite things about living in Japan is the absolute middle-of-nowhere spots that are, in fact, right in the middle of everywhere. What I mean is that this little train crossing, absolutely deserted, surrounded by nothing important, is only a couple of kilometers - in either direction - from major thoroughfares. Anyway, here's a photo of today's ramblings.
#traintracks #japan #wandering #desolate #intersection
Binance Tests AI-Infused NFT Platform Bicasso in Limited 10K Mint Run - On Wednesday, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ, announced the launch o... - https://news.bitcoin.com/binance-tests-ai-infused-nft-platform-bicasso-in-limited-10k-mint-run/ #non-fungibletoken #creativevisions #photocreations #changpengzhao #revolutionize #errormessage #intersection #aicreations #artprograms #producttest #binanceceo #artworld. #nightcafe #industry #starryai #waitlist #bicasso #binance #gpt-3
#gpt #binance #bicasso #waitlist #starryai #industry #nightcafe #artworld #binanceceo #producttest #artprograms #aicreations #intersection #errormessage #revolutionize #changpengzhao #photocreations #creativevisions #non
One of the correct ways to connect pipes.
#geometry #intersection #calculus
#geometry #intersection #calculus
Sony Unveils Adaptive Controller for PlayStation 5
By Michael Franz: For Complete Post, Click Here...
In January Sony unveiled Project Leonardo, a new adaptive controller in development for PlayStation 5. Designed with input from accessibility experts and organizations dedicated to making gaming accessible, Project Leonardo is a customizable adaptive controlle
#AT #Intersection #RecreationAT
#at #intersection #recreationat
Organization Strategies for Neurodivergents
By Jillian Enright: For Complete Post, Click Here...
Help overcoming executive functioning challenges and inertia.
I’m standing in the middle of my home office. The surface of my desk is covered with papers, sticky notes, and dirty coffee mugs. I take a few steps towards it, then stop. I try to think about where
#AT #Intersection #Recovery
Opinion: People With Disabilities Deserve Better Health Care. We All Do.
BY TARA LAGU: For Complete Post, Click Here...
IWAS A RESIDENT working in an underresourced health clinic when, one afternoon, my triage paper indicated that my next patient needed a Pap smear. I walked into the room
#AT #DisabilityResistence #HealthandDisability #HealthPolicy #Intersection #Recovery
#at #disabilityresistence #healthanddisability #healthpolicy #intersection #recovery
Resources for Conservatorship and Guardianship Abuse Awareness Day
From NCLER: For Complete Post, Click Here...
NCLER: Legal Basic: Overview of Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship (Recording, Chapter Summary, PowerPoint)
NCLER: When the Guardian is an Abuser (Webcast, Issue Brief
#Abuse #DisabilityResistence #EconomicJustice #Intersection #Recovery
#abuse #disabilityresistence #economicjustice #intersection #recovery
HEALTHCARE: ‘Smart’ Walking Stick Helps Visually Impaired Grocery Shop
By Alex McFarland: For Complete Post, Click Here...
A team of engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder are using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a ‘smart’ walking stick for the blind or visually
#AT #DisabilityCulture #DisabilityResistence #EconomicJustice #EmploymentandAT #Intersection
#at #disabilityculture #disabilityresistence #economicjustice #employmentandat #intersection
Savings Accounts for Disabled People Are Opened to More of Them
By Ann Carrns: For Complete Post, Click Here...
Only those who became disabled by age 26 have been eligible for ABLE accounts. But Congress raised the age to 46, so more military veterans and others can qualify as of 2026.
Disabled Americans r
#DisabilityCulture #EconomicJustice #Intersection #Recovery #VetSupport
#disabilityculture #economicjustice #intersection #recovery #vetsupport
Youth lead anti-corruption talks on disability
From EDYN: For Complete Post, Click Here...
The 1st episode of the Youth Lead Anti-corruption Talks series named “Inclusion and leadership of youth with disabilities to contribute to the achievement of SDG16″ took place virtually, on Decemb
#Abuse #DisabilityCulture #DisabilityResistence #DisasterandDisability #EconomicJustice #Intersection #Recovery
#abuse #disabilityculture #disabilityresistence #disasteranddisability #economicjustice #intersection #recovery