TIL `IntersectionObserver`'s `rootMargin` only works if the observer is in the same origin, because of privacy concerns:
> There is a risk that the API may be used to probe for information about the geometry of the global viewport itself, which may be used to deduce the user’s hardware configuration.
That's why this demo of a sticky navigation doesn't work in CodePen's default view… 😞
#intersectionobserver #javascript #security
#IntersectionObserver and layout-shifts like scaled elements (#cssanimation) unfortunately does not work at all.
#intersectionobserver #cssanimation
@marie_ototoi a traduit l'article de Dan Callahan sur l'API #IntersectionObserver et c'est ici : https://tech.mozfr.org/post/2017/08/21/IntersectionObserver-arrive-dans-Firefox
Si jamais (on sait pas hein), vous souhaitez aider à documenter tout ça en fr sur MDN : https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/MDN/Doc_status/API/IntersectionObserver