Ugh..! That’ll teach me to think I can stop putting k-tape on my oxygen’s #NasalCannula that I’ve been using to prevent cheek blisters caused by pressure sores 😢
I can’t believe how much my cheeks hurt right now, as well as how itchy & swollen everything is on top of it 🥺
So much owieness… everything touching my face hurts, even my glasses 😣
I wish there was a #BetterSolution for #SupplementalOxygen users 😓
#InterstitialLungDisease #PulmonaryArterialHypertension
#pulmonaryarterialhypertension #interstitiallungdisease #scleroderma #supplementaloxygen #bettersolution #nasalcannula
Delighted to have Dr. Antin-Ozerkis from to deliver Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds! #worldclass
Thanks for the connection!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #meded #pulmonaryfibrosis #interstitiallungdisease
#worldclass #MedEd #pulmonaryfibrosis #interstitiallungdisease