A list of public lectures accompanying the exhibition 'Virginia Woolf e Bloomsbury. Inventing Life' at Rome's Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romana until #12/2/23.
Topics include #Carrington, #Keynes, #Forster and #Woolf.
#carrington #keynes #Forster #Woolf #interwarlit #bloomsbury #rome #italy
Britalian #PhD researcher, University of Huddersfield.
Working on interwar women's fiction/biography.
Keen on relating literary studies to the real world.
In a former life I was a journalist/editor
Research interests include: #Literature #Biography #ShortStories #Yorkshire #WorkingClass #1930sLit #1930sHistory #InterwarLit #InterwarCulture #MalachiWhitaker
Personal: #MigrantsinItaly #AsylumSeekersinItaly #TrainTravel #ClimateCrisis #Botany #Ornithology #Politics in UK & #Italy
#introduction #literature #biography #yorkshire #workingclass #1930sHistory #TrainTravel #ClimateCrisis #botany #ornithology #politics #shortstories #1930slit #interwarlit #interwarculture #malachiwhitaker #migrantsinitaly #asylumseekersinitaly #italy #phd