In the neighborhood: Shasta Daisy Flowers – Photo and Watercolor, Los Angeles, California
Prints and more are available at and
#watercolor #shastadaisy #daisy #daises #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #intheneighborhood
#watercolor #shastadaisy #daisy #daises #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #intheneighborhood
In the garden: Possible Rebutia spinosissima Flowers, Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
Prints and more are available at
#Rebutiaspinosissima #Rebutia #cactus #succulents #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
#rebutiaspinosissima #rebutia #cactus #succulents #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
In the garden: Alcea (Hollyhock), Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
Prints and more are available at
#alcea #hollyhock #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #prints #products
#alcea #hollyhock #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #prints #products
Pinwheel Dahlia
Prints and more are available at
#dahlia #floweringnow #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #products #prints
#dahlia #floweringnow #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #products #prints
In the garden: Rosa ’Bewitched’, Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
Prints and more are available at
#rose #rosa #rosabewitched #floweringnow #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #products #prints
#rose #rosa #rosabewitched #floweringnow #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden #products #prints
In the garden: Alcea (Hollyhock), Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
#alcea #hollyhock #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
#alcea #hollyhock #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
In the garden: Rosa ’Bewitched’, Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
#rose #rosa #rosabewitched #floweringnow #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
#rose #rosa #rosabewitched #floweringnow #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
In the garden: Clytostoma callistegioides, Los Angeles, California
Blooming right here in my own garden.
#Clytostomacallistegioides #flowers #bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #flowers #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
#clytostomacallistegioides #flowers #Bloomscrolling #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #plants #photography #garden #gardening #inthegarden
Found a nice comfy/sunny spot for a quick break on today's winter gardening work but one of the friendly locals had similar ideas and got there just before me ;) Diamond Python - Morelia spilota spilota - near Corunna, NSW.
#Snakes #InTheGarden #OnTheCouch #Winter #Australia #Reptiles #Wildlife
#snakes #inthegarden #onthecouch #winter #australia #reptiles #wildlife
Mexican Sage in the garden [Video] – A Gardener's Notebook
#garden #gardening #agardenersnotebook #plants #flowers #salvia #sage #salvia #tiktok #video #inthegarden #bloomscrolling
#garden #gardening #agardenersnotebook #plants #flowers #salvia #sage #tiktok #video #inthegarden #Bloomscrolling
Hakea clavata (coastal hakea) is an interesting WA species with distinctive thick, fleshy leaves + pink scented flowers in winter. The one grafted plant I have in the garden (Corunna, NSW) is now almost 18 yrs old and still looking great with just a light prune each year. It's currently attracting a lot of winter insects - including the common jezabel (Delias nigrina) - plus adding a very pleasant fragrance to the garden near the house.
Unfortunately not a Hakea often seen in nurseries - I've only ever grafted a single plant (onto H. salicifolia) ... although I have had a 100% success rate so far ... ;)
#Ozplants #Hakeas #InTheGarden #Winter #Butterflies #Grafting
#ozplants #hakeas #inthegarden #winter #butterflies #grafting
Evening of watering and checking on the garden was full of baby animals!
Second clutch of robins have hatched! They are ugly little pink things at the moment. 🤣
And I startled a very small bunny - looks like it’s just big enough to be out of the nest but still very small.
#gardening #inthegarden #wildlife #babyanimals
Any rose experts out there? This is the mysterious rose from the farm. The original is all over the gable wall of an old stone barn (east facing) in Tipperary, Ireland. This one is now flourising on top of an exposed hill in Cork. We have called it the Killough Rose for now.
#roses #whatisthisplant #inthegarden #gardening
Eekhoorntje in de tuin!🐿💗😃
#animalphotography #inthegarden #squirrel #eekhoorntje
Common Brown (Heteronympha merope) enjoying some of the more exotic autumn flowering at Corunna, NSW.
#butterflies #autumn #inthegarden #photography #nature
My #pink #rhododendron #flowering #bush is almost all in #FullBloom now - these are just one #cluster of hundreds of #flowers on it now. There's so many #blooms that I can't count them all.
#SignsOfSpring #AlmostSpring #floral #zone8 #plants #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #InTheGarden #YYJGardeners #Garden #GrowAGarden #PollinatorGarden
#pink #rhododendron #flowering #bush #fullbloom #cluster #flowers #blooms #signsofspring #almostspring #floral #zone8 #plants #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #inthegarden #yyjgardeners #garden #growagarden #PollinatorGarden
Plum buds in a tiny milk bottle.
#plum #inthegarden #blossom #photography #home
The first flowers are out on my grafted Grevillea 'Orange Wow' - I think this is going to be a keeper. Fairly new hybrid now showing up (as both low and standard grafts) in nurseries.The flowers change from yellow -> orange -> burnt orange -> red. The plant is a low spreading shrub - should be a spectacular rockery feature when it has a few more flower heads in full bloom.
#InTheGarden #Gardening #OzPlants #Grevilleas #Botany #Photography #Flowers
#inthegarden #gardening #ozplants #grevilleas #botany #photography #flowers