Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Powerful Amicus Brief Asks SCOTUS to Block Domestic Abusers From Owning Guns #Jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #everytownforgunsafety #unitedstatesvrahimi #gloriaaguileraterry #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #zackeyrahimi #socialissues #gunviolence #kalashnikov #violence #lawcrime #crimes #abuse #crime
#jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #everytownforgunsafety #unitedstatesvrahimi #gloriaaguileraterry #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #zackeyrahimi #socialissues #gunviolence #kalashnikov #violence #lawcrime #crimes #abuse #crime
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Domestic Violence Hotline Reports 99% Increase in Calls Post-Roe #Jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #intimatepartnerviolence #abortionrightsmovements #reproductivecoercion #reproductiverights #violenceagainstmen #crimesagainstwomen #domesticviolence #wagatwewanjuki #womensrights #socialissues #janestoever #mensrights #midwifery #politics #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #intimatepartnerviolence #abortionrightsmovements #reproductivecoercion #reproductiverights #violenceagainstmen #crimesagainstwomen #domesticviolence #wagatwewanjuki #WomensRights #socialissues #janestoever #mensrights #midwifery #politics #roevwade #wade #roe
Global News BC: Guilty plea from Surrey, B.C. man accused of fatally stabbing wife #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IntimatePartnerViolence #SecondDegreeMurder #navindersinghgill #DomesticViolence #FamilyViolence #fatalstabbing #harpreetgill #NavinderGill #GuiltyPlea #Femicide #Guilty #Murder #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #intimatepartnerviolence #SecondDegreeMurder #navindersinghgill #domesticviolence #familyviolence #fatalstabbing #harpreetgill #navindergill #guiltyplea #femicide #guilty #murder #crime
Homicide rates were twice as high among those cohabiting with gun owners versus those cohabiting with non-gun owners.
Of the homicides occurring at home, those cohabiting with gun owners were 7x more likely be fatally shot by a spouse/intimate partner - of whom 84% were women.
Those cohabiting with a gun owner - ESPECIALLY women - should rethink whether the gun makes your home safer.
#gunviolence #itstheguns #intimatepartnerviolence
Homicide rates were twice as high among those cohabiting with gun owners versus those cohabiting with non-gun owners.
Of the homicides occurring at home, those cohabiting with gun owners were 7x more likely be fatally shot by a spouse/intimate partner - of whom 84% were women.
Those cohabiting with a gun owner - ESPECIALLY women - should rethink whether the gun makes your home safer.
#gunviolence #itstheguns #intimatepartnerviolence
This is a really wonderful and door opening kind of conversation about concussions from intimate partner violence. Mo Amir and former hockey star Trevor Linden. Please watch.
#concussions #violenceagainstwomen #intimatepartnerviolence #VanColour #hockey
#concussions #violenceagainstwomen #intimatepartnerviolence #vancolour #hockey
Global News BC: Vancouver group that helps violence survivors flee their abusers ‘urgently’ needs volunteers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #movingcompanydomesticviolencesurvivors #supportsfordomesticviolencesurvivors #IntimatePartnerViolence #ShelterMoversVancouver #Vancouvernonprofits #DomesticViolence #ShelterMovers #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #movingcompanydomesticviolencesurvivors #supportsfordomesticviolencesurvivors #intimatepartnerviolence #sheltermoversvancouver #vancouvernonprofits #domesticviolence #sheltermovers #Canada
Global News BC: Former Canuck partners on hair-raising domestic violence awareness video with YWCA #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TrevorLindendomesticviolence #IntimatePartnerViolence #TrevorLindenconcussion #gender-basedviolence #YWCAMetroVancouver #DomesticViolence #VancouverCanucks #TrevorLinden #Concussions #Crime #YWCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #trevorlindendomesticviolence #intimatepartnerviolence #trevorlindenconcussion #gender #ywcametrovancouver #domesticviolence #VancouverCanucks #trevorlinden #concussions #crime #YWCA
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jonathan Majors' Lawyer Claims He Was Actually the Assault Victim #Jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #jonathanmajors #humanbehavior #priyachaudhry #victimisation #socialissues #amberheard #law2ccrime #johnnydepp #articles #bullying #humans #darvo #abuse
#jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #jonathanmajors #humanbehavior #priyachaudhry #victimisation #socialissues #amberheard #law2ccrime #johnnydepp #articles #bullying #Humans #darvo #abuse
PSA: On 23 April 2023, a test of the mobile phone emergency alert system in the UK may put people living in domestic violence situations in danger.
Please boost/spread the word to your own circles.
#intimatepartnerviolence #domesticviolence
UMEM Educational Pearls - University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
#trauma #sexualassault #injuries #intimatepartnerviolence
Look at this weeks Pearl to learn more
#trauma #sexualassault #injuries #intimatepartnerviolence
Rolling Stone on twitter:
"Brown says he should be forgiven for a "mistake" he made when he was "17" (alluding to his assault on Rihanna, when he was actually 19).
Since then, there has been a laundry list of accused acts of violence that extends from 2009 to as recent as 2021."
#ChrisBrown was two months shy of turning 20 when he assaulted Rihanna
#intimatepartnerviolence #chrisbrown
Emotional maltreatment and neglect impact neural activation upon exclusion in early and mid-adolescence: An event-related fMRI study
#ChildhoodTrauma #emotionalneglect
#neuroimaging #intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma
一個重要且有用的工具:How CARE Tools Are Being Used to Address Brain Injury and Mental Health Struggles With Survivors of Domestic Violence
#ChildhoodTrauma #emotionalneglect
#tools #domesticviolence #intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma
Brain injury in women experiencing intimate partner-violence: neural mechanistic evidence of an “invisible” trauma
#intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma
Structural Brain Alterations in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
#intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma
Global News BC: Advocates say B.C. falling short on transitional housing for domestic violence victims #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IntimatePartnerViolence #AffordableHousing #SupportiveHousing #TransitionHousing #DomesticViolence #long-termhousing #Women'sShelter #Femicide #Housing #Shelter #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #intimatepartnerviolence #affordablehousing #supportivehousing #transitionhousing #domesticviolence #long #women #femicide #housing #shelter #Canada
The Tyee: Brain Injury from Abuse Puts Women at Risk in Court (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #SupportingSurvivorsofAbuseandBrainInjuryThroughResearch #braininjuriesfromdomesticviolence #familylawandabusevictims #intimatepartnerviolence #domesticviolenceincourt #abuseandbraininjury #NeuroethicsCanada #DeanaSimonetto #QuinnBoyle
#BCNews #TheTyee #supportingsurvivorsofabuseandbraininjurythroughresearch #braininjuriesfromdomesticviolence #familylawandabusevictims #intimatepartnerviolence #domesticviolenceincourt #abuseandbraininjury #neuroethicscanada #deanasimonetto #quinnboyle
The gunman was “looking for his wife,” a law enforcement source told LA Magazine. “There is increasing evidence this was domestic violence,” the source said. It would explain why he went to a 2nd ballroom dancing place after the violence at the 1st one.
#domesticviolence #IPV #intimatepartnerviolence
#domesticviolence #IPV #intimatepartnerviolence
Global News BC: ‘No more femicides’: B.C. women’s groups call for action on deadly domestic violence #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BatteredWomen'sSupportServices. #IntimatePartnerViolence #ViolenceAgainstWomen #VancouverRapeRelief #domesticfemicide #DomesticViolence #Politics #Femicide #Homicide #Murder #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BatteredWomen #intimatepartnerviolence #violenceagainstwomen #VancouverRapeRelief #domesticfemicide #domesticviolence #politics #femicide #homicide #murder #crime