It’s hard to get a script for opioids & when you do, you have to worry about insurance & the pharmacy dictating over doctors’ literal orders. No one deserves this torture. I have #IntractablePain from #hEDS, #DegenerativeDiscDisease, #RhumatoidArthritis #osteoarthritis #InterstitialCystitis, #PCOS, #endometriosis & still finding more things. I can’t even get a script for tramodol, which was very effective for me in the past…& technically isn’t an opioid. I’m only offered non FDA (4
#intractablepain #heds #degenerativediscdisease #rhumatoidarthritis #osteoarthritis #interstitialcystitis #pcos #endometriosis
I immediately regretted waking up.
I can feel every square inch of my body & it's all in pain.
Oh & the apartment complex gardners are out in force with leaf
Going back to sleep, hopefully, doubt I'll do anything today, not even posting pics.
#mecfs #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #IntractablePain
#mecfs #chronicpain #chronicfatiguesyndrome #intractablepain