First ride back? Bareback and bridleless, we got this 😁 #furry #horse #pony #cob #barebackriding #bridlelessriding #liberty #intraining
#furry #horse #pony #cob #barebackriding #bridlelessriding #liberty #intraining
Hey look! @AstroPuppy is now on Mastodon! Be sure to give him a follow to follow his adventures as he trains to become a guide dog! #servicedog #guidedog #intraining #geb
#servicedog #guidedog #intraining #geb
Hi frens! 🐶 The hooman said this elephant site was cool so I've moved here from #Twitter. #guidedog #intraining #geb #guidingeyes #germanshepherd
#twitter #guidedog #intraining #geb #guidingeyes #germanshepherd
Nux relaxing after a huge outing in the back 40 this morning. This little (big) fella is coming along nicely for someone who's been living in a kennel for the first 5 months of his life. He's an absolute adventure just on his own - love it. We've figured out a handful of things he doesn't like/is unsure of and we are definitely working hard on those.
#dogoargentino #puppyface #love #goodestboy #intraining
#intraining #goodestboy #love #puppyface #dogoargentino