#introdution #sustainability #science #fediverse #mastodon #Instance
A Mastodon instance for people that are dedicated to ecological sustainability.
The sustainability instance may be of interest to people that are knowledgeable about one or more scientific subjects and dedicated to ecological sustainability. And people that would like to learn more about living sustainably.
#introdution #sustainability #science #fediverse #mastodon #instance
Hi out there!
I’m new to fediverse and so here’s a small introduction.
I’m very addicted to music, preferable hard rock music, not fixed to genres (anymore).
Can give your unwanted #vinyls a clean and cosy shelter, not free-range, but each nicely cleaned, sorted and well climated.
Like creating stuff on my own, learning some woodworking, or repairing my #bicycle
Love live gigs, and will be present at the #badeninblut Festival. Here’s a link for Infos:
#badeninblut #bicycle #vinyls #introdution
Heyo, #introdution time!
I'm Casey, a non-binary red panda, 23 years old, living in Silesia Voivodeship in Poland.
Currently working as IT Service Desk Agent. In my spare time I enjoy going through old websites & jumping from one creative project to another without finishing any of them :p
Nice to meet y'all, feel free to DM me ^^
An #introdution:
👋 This is my second go at Mastodon. I'm a web developer for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. I live in DC. When not at my computer, I parent, cook, and try to get out on my bikes.
I blog about work stuff and my Peace Corps service at https://osterman.io
#peacecorps #javascript #css #html #introdution
@tracymaggie , @Kimherrmiller I think it's time you posted your #introdution! Make sure you use lots of hashtags so people who share your interests will see you! You're welcome 😀
#introdution (to be expanded) I'm another Twitter import. #Poet, #gardener, two #chapbooks. Dawn's Fool with Ice Floe and Tuned with CCCP Chapbooks. A third #chapbook, Surviving Death, forthcoming November 2023 from Broken Spine Press. Full length being shopped around. Have moved cross-country to the #PNW (US). I'll be around. "Most poets can’t drive a car and the ones who do drive shouldn’t." -- Don Paterson
#introdution #poet #gardener #chapbooks #chapbook #pnw
hiii, a quick #introdution
I’m beetle/cam (either name is fine) and i use he/it pronouns!
I like to draw, especially my ocs and ttrpg characters! I like cats and bugs and chocolate :3
Du folgst Menschen, indem du auf Follow drückst.
Es gibt zwar verschiedene Instanzen auf Masto, allerdings kannst du dir das vorstellen, wie eine Telefonkonferenz.
Die verschiedenen Instanzen sind nur der Parkplatz für deinen Account, leider haben die Instanzen alle auch unterschiedliche Serverregeln.
Wenn du etwas wissen willst, nutze den #neuhier oder #introdution , dann weiß jeder, das du neu bist, und es wird dir schneller geholfen.
#NZTwits I nust remembered that despite mentioning my game collection in my #Introdution I never showed it off. Welp... here it is!! BASK IN THE #VideoGame SHELF!! I think it is safe to say I can't complain that I have nothing to play xD
#NZTwits #introdution #videogame #nintendo #xbox #playstation #sega
In due time.
The culture here is one of respect, non-judgment, and goodwill. I commit to that. Also, it's wonderful to connect with people from many countries.
Have you done an #introdution? There are so many gifted artists. You will fit perfectly.
#introdution Somos Sandra y Silvana. Hermanas gemelas y pasteras profesionales.
La Pasteleria es nuestra pasión pero igualmente siempre estamos capacitándonos e incursionando y aprendiendo nuevos rumbos.
En nuestro canal de youtube @dolcegemelli y en nuestro instagram @dolcegemelli pueden encontrar más sobre nosotras... Aquí estamos recién comenzando y con muchas ganas de generar contenido para ustedes🥰🥰 #recetas #gemelas #dolcegemelli #cocinandojuntas #gemelasenlacocina #twins
#introdution #recetas #gemelas #dolcegemelli #cocinandojuntas #gemelasenlacocina #twins
Hola! En esencia soy psicóloga Clínica pero ejerciendo la docencia
Mis Intereses
📊Psicología Basada en Evidencia
🐭Conductista (no tan) radical TCC, ACT, DBT Friendly
🔃 Toots de Psico, Divulgadores y Temas afines
🎬 Pelis, Series, Música, Teatro
📣Temas random
I am a historian interested in the decolonization of British and French Colonies/Trusteeships in Africa through the lense of large technological systems, especially high dams. My further research areas are: Global history, media and gender history and cultural history of the political. I am based at Bielefeld University.
I am a historian interested in the decolonization of British and French Colonies/Trusteeships through the lense of large technological systems, especially high dams. My further research areas are: Global history, media and gender history and cultural history of the political. I am based at Bielefeld University.
Hello! I migrated to a new server! I managed to import my followers but not who I was following which is why you'll have seen me add you again.
Brief #introdution for the new server. I'm Mel (They/Them) a queer, goth Librarian. I've been into many fandoms over the decades. Currently enjoying Star Trek (particularly Disco and Lower Decks), SOA, ALOTO, Obi Wan, The Untamed. I just finished another play through of Last of Us 1 and 2. (Though I stopped two when Ellie was happy in the cabin)
Greetings Everyone! A quick #introdution for me here to help build some connections in my new social yeti cave.
I go by Honest Yeti, and here are a few of my general interests and a more recent thing, or two, that I enjoy in that interest.
#Anime ( #Berserk #BlackClover )
#Manga ( #DemonSlayer )
#Boardgames ( #Eurogames #Teotihuacan)
#Videogames ( #EldenRing #GodofWarRagnarok )
#Music ( #BandMaid #TheDearHunter )
#SciFi ( #Dune #TheExpanse )
#Fantasy ( #LoTR #HarryPotter )
#introdution #anime #berserk #blackclover #manga #demonslayer #boardgames #EuroGames #Teotihuacan #videogames #eldenring #GodofWarRagnarok #music #bandmaid #TheDearHunter #SciFi #dune #theexpanse #fantasy #lotr #harrypotter
Hej Trine.
Hyggeligt at "se" dig her 😀
Min erfaring er at det bliver mere og mere interessant jo flere du følger. Så bare gå i gang. Du kan jo altid rydde lidt op, hvis der bliver for mange som du ikke finder interessante.
Jeg har fået fortalt at det er en god ide at lave en #introdution og #nypåmastodon
Ciao a tutti, felice di scoprire questa nuova community. #mastodon può diventare grande se non alteriamo le sue funzionalità originarie. Odio i #fake e mi piace condividere contenuti di qualità e di utilità per tutti. Questa è la mia #introdution Seguite il mio profilo se vi interessa discutere di #politica #sport #education e #crescitapersonale
#mastodon #fake #introdution #politica #sport #education #crescitapersonale