Needed to pick up eggs and milk. Saw Boy Scouts or some other group camped out selling something at a table in front of the store entrance.
Thank god the store has two entrances.
Bueno, finalmente después de como dos años yendo a la misma academia a entrenar Taekwon-do, creo que ya me se todos los nombres de mis 8 compañeros #introvertThings
I’m moving over instance so #NewHere and thought I’d re-#introduction myself!
I’m interested in lots of things, learning and exploring my #creativity at the moment (when I have time). I’m working on my #writing and #blogging (some people do still #blog ), just seeing what comes out!
I’m really back into #reading #books and writing more #BookReviews
I also do hand #embroidery #NeedlePoint #ThreadArt
I’ve been working on my own #pkm #PersonalKnowledgeManagement and loving #ObsidianMD
I am a #librarian (but I don’t work in a #library ) but in desperate need of a career shift. Working out what that move might be!
#Introvert #introverted #introvertthings #socialanxiety
I’ve learned a lot about my #MenstrualCycle #PeriodPower and think we should talk about #WomensHealth issues more!
Also interested in #StarTrekTNG #StarTrek
H! 👋
#newHere #introduction #creativity #writing #blogging #blog #Reading #books #bookreviews #embroidery #needlepoint #threadart #pkm #personalknowledgemanagement #obsidianmd #librarian #library #introvert #introverted #introvertthings #socialanxiety #menstrualcycle #periodpower #womenshealth #startrektng #startrek
Podcasts are basically friends and family I can tolerate in the background both because of, and despite the fact that they never acknowledge me.
Well, among us: When the craftsmen in my house are gone…
… I could do: work which need concentration, finally.
… I will do: sleep.
#noiseisexhausting #introvertthings
Wow it's quiet here (I kinda like that 😂 #IntrovertThings I guess?)
Happy new year to all kind people! 🥳