Ellie · @ellie
432 followers · 3750 posts · Server ellieayla.net

Do people hop the ditch into county fields and grab potatoes or sweet corn? Would I even notice?


Last updated 1 year ago

Missing · @virgil
2 followers · 49 posts · Server dice.camp

Me: I'm feeling down, can you say something nice about me?
Her: Why bother?

#memory #intrusivethoughts #sad

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
297 followers · 9558 posts · Server masto.ai
Cryptik Apokalyps · @cryptikapokalyps
21 followers · 472 posts · Server mindly.social

Me: Wow, now that I’ve officially moved out of my apartment and I’m moving on to a new job, my anxiety seems like it’s significantly lessened!



Last updated 1 year ago

The Mighty Quinn · @quinn
65 followers · 337 posts · Server techhub.social

Keep looking and you'll find the like button...


Last updated 1 year ago

Alex Jane · @AlexJaneWrites
243 followers · 422 posts · Server romancelandia.club

Me -
My brain - Y'know...the idea that good will always triumph over evil is an inherently problematic fiction that only persists because whoever 'wins' can paint themselves as the 'good' guys after the fact, install their moral values and act like 'it's always been this way'.
Me -...please...I just want to finish the wordle...

#nonpracticingintellectual #tooearly #coffee #intrusivethoughts #writerslife

Last updated 2 years ago

Heather Ballard 🍬🐉 · @taffydragon
12 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.art

And here's one I just did as part of my attempt at a daily ritual of drawing on

#intrusivethoughts #fancomics #soniccomics #sonicthehedgehog #firealpaca

Last updated 2 years ago

cobweb · @cobweb
17 followers · 108 posts · Server corteximplant.com

Why brain why?? Whenever I go for a walk without headphones, I eventually get into a walking rhythm and then, unbidden, the song She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain creeps into my head with the walking rhythm.

This is why I usually wear headphones, but I don’t at night because gotta keep situational awareness in the dark.

I hate that song.


Last updated 2 years ago

sheepchase · @sheepchase
234 followers · 2577 posts · Server babka.social

When you’re familiar with your own (in my case mostly ) you know what to avoid and today that’s mostly coverage. At first I thought it was disrespectful but then learnt that me becoming sick wasn’t helping anyone or anything.

I hope that if you start to get negative you’ll be careful.

If you know someone struggling with depression, maybe check in on them today. There’s a lot of news that is triggering.

#mentalillness #depression #holocaust #intrusivethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Ren · @renfys
26 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Had a panic attack this morning. Why? Because my toddler slept through the night for the first time in three months and I woke up assuming the worst.


#anxiety #intrusivethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
7 followers · 19 posts · Server pagan.plus

Something I've learned on my is that just because you've moved on from something doesn't mean you've necessarily found .

My husband and I moved away from my home town for about 7 years. I mentioned it previously, but I grew up in a pretty strict religious household that caused me a lot of . While we were away, I truly thought I moved on from everything in the past. I never dwelled on it or felt like I was carrying weight from it. But the year we moved back, it hit me like a ton of bricks on a deep level.

Last year when we moved back, for months I had dreams relating to my traumas growing up. It all started with a dream where a dream character asked if I wanted to be blessed. Of course I said yes, who wouldn't want to be blessed?😂 But when she blessed me, it was like she expanded my awareness and my perception shifted inward. I could see and feel this intense dark cloud of icky energy inside me, and from the inside out I could hear myself screaming.

I woke up from that dream and after that I could feel that icky cloud of energy stuck in my , I had awful for awhile and often felt like I needed to throw up to purge the energy. I don't think the dream character put that dark energy there, I think she just made me conscious of what was always there and I had finally grown enough on my journey to be able to start healing it, so that dream brought that energy to the surface for easier release.

Over the next several months I had other dreams that all were connected to this process. I talked with my mom about it and the resentment I had towards my dad for religion related things that really hurt me in my upbringing. She said some things that really spoke to my that I needed to hear, and it helped me purge a lot of trapped emotional energy.

was something that helped to bring about a moment as well. I did one specifically for and this helped tremendously and caused a shift. It was like I could perceive myself as two different energies residing in one body; my child self, and my present self.

After 9 months of regular shadow work and a session, I feel like I've finally and truly resolved that aspect of my life and feel at with the past, that was finalized with a dream and a release .

In this dream, I was standing in an open field on a cliff, just exploring, and I saw a beautiful butterfly fluttering towards me. It landed on me and stayed with me and I was so excited, it was like I made a new friend. I kept exploring with it, and there were moments it flew away and I was afraid I lost it, but it always came back to me and never left for long. I brought the butterfly to show my parents, and they both admired it. It sat on my hands, opened its wings and displayed it's unique colors; red on the top, white underneath. But then my father looked away, as though he were distracted by something and his awareness was elsewhere. While he was unaware, he grabbed the butterfly and crushed it like it was a piece of paper. This killed the butterfly, and I was so angry at my father for killing it. I told him I hated him for it. I don't remember any more of the dream, but when I woke up from it I realized what I needed to do.

I needed to forgive my father for what happened in the past, for killing that aspect of inner child, because he never intended to hurt me. That was apparent in the dream. His awareness was a elsewhere, made him blind to a lot and he is not able to see the damage it has caused. I was bitter about it for a long time but I realize now that religion really does blind people. They can have the best intentions, but once religion takes hold of one's mind, it becomes a shackle and people don't see clearly anymore, they only see through the lens of religion. This realization softened me, and part of me mourns for my father, because of how much religion has robbed from his life and his time with family.

So I made a that looked like the one in my , and on the underside I wrote down everything I was ready to release, and burned it. I forgave my father for the past, took the ashes outside, and buried them. And then I created a brand new butterfly, representing the start of a new journey of exploration myself and my inner child will now explore together. This experience was a , necessary preparation for the start of a new era. 🦋

This is how I've come to learn that just because we move on from something doesn't mean we have healed from the pain or released it. A lot of times we just repress and forget about it. I think removes layers of when we finally reach a place in our journey and that we're ready to handle those things resurfacing. Shadow work is one of the most painful but rewarding experiences. It's one of going inward and bringing the light back in. 🌟

#shadowwork #journey #healing #religious #trauma #subconscious #solarplexus #chakra #intrusivethoughts #innerchild #eft #tapping #breakthrough #innerchildhealing #reiki #peace #ritual #religion #butterfly #dream #metamorphosis #spirit #repression #consciousness

Last updated 2 years ago

VAWeisman · @vaweisman
642 followers · 11597 posts · Server masto.ai

@DataDrivenMD Thought of your post about trying to get work done despite . The other day I was with someone in person and with the whole time! It was nice to know I’m not the only one and someone could !

#intrusive #thoughts #working #battling #intrusivethoughts #relate

Last updated 2 years ago

Farah · @Farah
126 followers · 315 posts · Server mastodon.social

This might sound problematic af but you’ll never feel as needed when your kid is cranky crying and you hold him, and he slows down to a sniffle and promptly falls asleep on you.

Maybe I’m not as useless as I’d like to think of myself

#motherhood #depression #intrusivethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Gloria · @gloria
255 followers · 733 posts · Server mindly.social

RT @OCDexcellence@instagram.com “ aren't just "what if" thoughts. They can also present as commands, which people mistake as genuine urges. These commands are often morally wrong and/or illegal, so they generate massive amounts of fear and anxiety.”

#intrusivethoughts #ocd #mentalhealth #Mentalillness

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevix (he/him) :debian: · @kevix
227 followers · 924 posts · Server toot.cat

I love listenting to recordings of things like rain or birds or something without words. I find a nice long recording more than 30 minutes. and sit in a place where I won't be disturbed.
I use but there are other places for this.

#amsr #insighttimer #mentalhealth #intrusivethoughts #coping #solutions

Last updated 2 years ago

Sharon (she/her) · @sharon
45 followers · 109 posts · Server tech.lgbt

time: I have , , and . I'm doing my best to work through them while still waiting for my first therapy appointment since my divorce in 2006. If you too have any of this, I would greatly appreciate advice on what you do to cope with it.

#truth #betrayaltrauma #intrusivethoughts #anxiety

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian M · @snarkymanchild
181 followers · 175 posts · Server mastodon.social

Intrusive thoughts of the day... Why don't car thieves invest in tow trucks? You ever seen how fast repo guys grab a car?


Last updated 2 years ago

bdSMR · @bdSMRtz
8 followers · 121 posts · Server equestria.social

I wished upon a shooting star.

I feel ashamed for my wish.

#intrusivethoughts #desires #wishes

Last updated 2 years ago

H · @hurgusburgus
17 followers · 912 posts · Server toot.cat

Intrusive thought of the day

Macklemore's hit song "Thrift Shop" was directly responsible for surges in bed bug reports across North America, due to people shopping more withut checking items or washing items once home.

#thoughts #thrifty #thrifting #joke #macklemore #thriftshop #intrusivethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago