"Shame is never motivating and what we eat is not a cipher for morality"
Brilliant article by Rebecca Seal about eating, fear of fatness, inequality, and the toxic culture of moralising people's food, health, and bodies. Spot on analysis 🎯
#intuitiveeating #food #dietculture #dietsdontwork #HAES #HealthAtAnySize #allbodiesarebeautiful #foodpolitics #advertising #marketing #toxicdietculture #disorderedeating
#disorderedeating #toxicdietculture #marketing #advertising #foodpolitics #allbodiesarebeautiful #healthatanysize #haes #dietsdontwork #dietculture #food #intuitiveeating
#IntuitiveEating has really healed the damage I did to my relationship with food and my body while #LoseIt dieting and the unhealthy ideas my family had about food. This form, adapted from the workbook, has brought the ideas of the book into my more frequent thoughts and habits.
Tribole, Evelyn, and Elyse Resch. Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works. St. Martin's Press, 2012.
Tribole, Evelyn, and Elyse Resch. The Intuitive Eating Workbook: Ten Principles for Nourishing a Healthy Relationship with Food. New Harbinger Publications, 2017
#intuitiveeating #loseit #evelyntribole #elyseresch
Obviously not all apps are the same but SO many of these things are really, really toxic.
#dietsdontwork #dietculture #intuitiveeating #eatingdisorders #HAES #bodilyautomomy
#bodilyautomomy #haes #eatingdisorders #intuitiveeating #dietculture #dietsdontwork
This is a really lovely article.
We're constantly bombarded with messages about being the most healthy, productive, perfect versions of ourselves. But pleasure—and enjoying life in this moment—is important, too.
#presence #nyt #intuitiveeating
Since I finished reading #IntuitiveEating a view years ago I had a lot of “first times” regarding my eating behaviour.
Yesterday I felt hungry but was too lazy to get off the couch and prepare something to eat. So I stayed a while till I persuade myself to eat something not to become overhungry.
That’s a big deal for me because in the past I knew only two states: always full (binge phase) or always overhungry (restriction phase).
Tonight I choose brown rice with my dinner bc I craved brown rice. I love the taste, how nourishing it feels in my body, and that’s why I choose it. Not bc “it’s healthier” just bc I knew my body needed it.
I hate it when ppl mock intuitive eating. It saved me from my disordered eating behaviour. It learned me to enjoy ALL my foods, equally. I can be as enthusiastic about roasted cauliflower as chocolate cake. No more guilt. Freedom.
Late last week I was told that my blood test came back positive for #CeliacDisease. I was suspicious that something was wrong with my digestive system because of #osteopenia and #osteoporosis being discussed (waiting on tests to confirm) but I never felt wheat intolerance in my guts like I feel lactose intolerance so it really blindsided me to hear the news.
I'm on an emotional roller-coaster. After years of disordered eating and really putting my #anorexia behind me after a decade of recovery and learning to eat intuitively and trust and nourish my body.... here I am. I'm not sure how I proceed from here. It's hard not to feel hopeless when I just conquered #FoodFreedom. I feel like I'm having a new eating disorder pushed onto me and I will have no choice but to comb food labels in fear and refuse for the rest of my life.
I have an endoscopy next month so I'm still supposed to eat #gluten but I feel like the freedom to enjoy my life is on a countdown timer. This just feels so bleak. It's not what I wanted for my future. The bad news just keeps coming.
#EatingDisorderRecovery #IntuitiveEating #Celiac #CeliacDiagnosis #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Disability #Depressed #Depression
#CeliacDisease #osteopenia #osteoporosis #anorexia #foodfreedom #gluten #eatingdisorderrecovery #intuitiveeating #celiac #celiacdiagnosis #chronicillness #autoimmunedisease #disability #depressed #depression
Finally finished reading I’m Glad My Mom Died and it was as good as it was promised. I only wished that I was warned about the #ableism.
Otherwise, I resonated a lot.
#amreading #trauma #EDrecovery #antidiet #intuitiveeating #haes
#ableism #amreading #trauma #EDrecovery #antidiet #intuitiveeating #HAES
#introduction (kinda) part two
after some soul-searching I come up with some of my interests which tend to recur:
#Cooking preferably #Food that needs a lot of time, bubbling and simmering like ragout #Bolognese #Goulash (but I eat mostly vegetarian food so I make those rarely nowadays)
#Pickling #Sourdough #Bread #Fermentation.
#Sitcoms #Seinfeld #CurbYourEnthusiasm #TheGoodPlace #Community
#BritishTV #Taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #GhostsUK
#SciFi #Fantasy #DarkFantasy #GothicFiction
#Podcasts (since 2010 💪 mostly german ones)
#Music (of nearly every kind and era) #DieÄrzte #TheBeatles #Punk #Psychedelic
#WeirdStuff in general
#Buddism #Zen
#Religion only in theory, I'm an #Atheist
I will update this list if something else comes into my mind.
#introduction #cooking #food #bolognese #Goulash #pickling #sourdough #bread #fermentation #sitcoms #seinfeld #curbyourenthusiasm #thegoodplace #community #BritishTV #taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #ghostsuk #SciFi #fantasy #darkfantasy #GothicFiction #theneverendingstory #momo #podcasts #music #diearzte #thebeatles #punk #psychedelic #weirdstuff #intuitiveeating #buddism #zen #philosophy #mythology #religion #atheist
Cold weather called for making Sopaipillas! A fried pumpkin dough from my birth home.
Any Chileans here?
#food #cultural #intuitiveeating
Moralising about food choices sucks, sucks, sucks.
Calories are not immoral. Carbs are an important food. Eating for pleasure isn't shameful.
Your body deserves nourishment. Your body deserves pleasure.
It's your body. You probably know what's best for it.
#bodilyautomomy #intuitiveeating #pleasure #feminism #dietculture #sexpositive #bodyneutrality #trustwomen #dietsdontwork
#dietsdontwork #trustwomen #BodyNeutrality #sexpositive #dietculture #feminism #pleasure #intuitiveeating #bodilyautomomy
Moralising about food choices sucks, sucks, sucks.
Calories are not immoral. Carbs are an important food. Eating for pleasure isn't shameful.
Your body deserves nourishment. Your body deserves pleasure.
It's your body. You probably know what's best for it.
#bodilyautomomy #intuitiveeating #pleasure #feminism #dietculture #sexpositive #bodyneutrality #trustwomen #dietsdontwork
#dietsdontwork #trustwomen #BodyNeutrality #sexpositive #dietculture #feminism #pleasure #intuitiveeating #bodilyautomomy
Hi everyone, here's my #introduction post...
I love writing esp poetry, stories and songs ✍️ 🎹
I work in repro rights advocacy within UK politics for a global NGO 📣💪🗳
Live with my fiancee. Love cooking. Learning to eat intuitively. 🍓🥧🍒🍫
And I enjoy fashion esp when people of all genders, cis or trans, find joy in gender expression 🎩💄🧚♀️ 🏳️🌈
#writing #fiction #shortstories #poetry #music #prochoice #lgbtq #lesbian #queer #UKpolitics #dietsdontwork #intuitiveeating #fashion #maximalism
#maximalism #fashion #intuitiveeating #dietsdontwork #ukpolitics #queer #lesbian #lgbtq #prochoice #music #poetry #shortstories #fiction #writing #introduction
I've seen a few other new Mastodonians posting with a bunch of hashtags in order to find their people, which I thought was a cool idea so I figured I'd give that another whirl :ablobwobble:
For anyone already following me/not interested, happy scrolling!
#BodyLiberation #DisabilityJustice #Disabled #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicallyIll #Spoonie #RheumatoidArthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #InflammatoryArthritis #Polyarthritis #VideoGames #Tabletop #TabletopGames #LGBTQIA #Witch #Kink #SexPositivity #WonnaruaCountry #HunterRegion #AuDHD #AuDHDer #Indigenous #FirstNations #Cats #Foxes #AnimalRights #Disney #BDSM #NSFW #NudePhotography #Femme #SelfPhotography #TransRights #Accessibility #PersonalityTypes #MentalIllness #MentallyIll #Activism #Anxiety #Depression #GAD #MDD #Kinky #SocialActivism #Psychology #Neurodivergence #Fortnite #Crocs #Leftist #Anarchism #Lefty #AntiDiet #AntiDietCulture #HAES #HealthAtEverySize #IntuitiveEating #CrazyExGirlfriend #DemiLovato #McFly #MusicalTheatre #Musicals #Hamilton #LinManuelMiranda #Wicked #NatashaLyonne #Friends #Cluedo #Clue #Yellow #Fat #WLW #Sapphic #Dyke #RachelBloom #Aquarius #AquariusSun #VirgoMoon #SagittariusRising #INFJ #4w5 #BlackLivesMatter #Blak #BlakLivesMatter #BLM #Enneagram #TheSims4 #Aliens #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #AutoImmuneDisease #ASMR
I feel I'm forgetting important things or rather there are things I'm not quite sure how to articulate so... I'll probably be back 😆
#bodyliberation #disabled #disability #chronicillness #chronicallyill #spoonie #RheumatoidArthritis #psoriaticarthritis #polyarthritis #videogames #tabletop #tabletopgames #lgbtqia #witch #kink #sexpositivity #wonnaruacountry #hunterregion #audhd #audhder #indigenous #firstnations #cats #foxes #animalrights #disney #bdsm #nsfw #nudephotography #femme #selfphotography #transrights #accessibility #personalitytypes #mentalillness #mentallyill #activism #anxiety #depression #gad #mdd #kinky #socialactivism #fortnite #Crocs #leftist #anarchism #lefty #psychology #neurodivergence #crazyexgirlfriend #demilovato #mcfly #musicaltheatre #musicals #hamilton #linmanuelmiranda #wicked #NatashaLyonne #friends #Cluedo #clue #yellow #antidiet #antidietculture #haes #HealthAtEverySize #intuitiveeating #fat #wlw #sapphic #dyke #inflammatoryarthritis #rachelbloom #aquarius #aquariussun #virgomoon #sagittariusrising #infj #4w5 #blacklivesmatter #disabilityjustice #blak #BlakLivesMatter #blm #enneagram #thesims4 #aliens #alwayswasalwayswillbe #autoimmunedisease #asmr
#introduction I'm a Twitter refugee. Working in Environtal Protection and just trying to get by with #MEcfs. Recently diagnosed with #adhd. Trying to maintain some kind of sanity by learning #guitar and music production when I have some energy left. Other interests are #cats #femanism #scifi #intuitiveeating
#introduction #mecfs #adhd #guitar #cats #femanism #scifi #intuitiveeating
1.5 for me. How bout y'all?
Reposted from @drgabriellelyon
#moreprotien #carnivore #health #keto #fatloss #beefitswhatsfordinner #eatmeat #bodybuilding #protein #ketogenic #meatheals #worldcarnivoremonth #intuitiveeating #healthyfood … https://instagr.am/p/CTINHfuL2oV/
#healthyfood #intuitiveeating #worldcarnivoremonth #meatheals #ketogenic #protein #bodybuilding #eatmeat #beefitswhatsfordinner #FatLOSS #keto #health #carnivore #moreprotien