Episode 2 of the Dáiddadállu Podcast: "Art is our knife?"
Beaska Niillas invites Juno Berthelsen, Qivioq Løvstrøm and Stina Aletta Aikio to an exploration of the knife metaphor in regards to #IndigenousArt.
Listen in as they discuss the different levels of how #IndigenousActivism might relate to our artists and #art In other words; is art as our knife a weapon or can it also be a tool?
#Sápmi #Sámi #Inuit #KalaalitNunaat #IndigenousPolitics #Indigenous
#indigenousart #indigenousactivism #art #sapmi #sami #inuit #kalaalitnunaat #indigenouspolitics #indigenous
Episode 1 of the Dáiddadállu Podcast: "What makes #Indigenous artists tick?"
Dine Arnannguaq Fenger Lynge talks with Beaska Niillas, Juno Berthelsen, Qivioq Løvstrøm and Stina Aletta Aikio.
With backgrounds ranging from the Deatnu riverside to Nuuk in Greenland and #IndigenousPolitics to spacial arts, Beaska, Berthelsen, Løvstrøm and Aikio, open up about what has driven them to their professions.
#indigenous #indigenouspolitics #indigenousart #sapmi #sami #kalaallitnunaat #inuit
L'anthropologie Serge Bouchard nous raconte l'histoire du canot. Absolument PASSIONNANT !
#history #histoire #autochtones #inuit #canadiens #NouvelleFrance
#history #histoire #autochtones #inuit #canadiens #nouvellefrance
22 years married to this amazing woman. I’m grateful that she let me into her life. #Nunavut #Arctic #Inuit #Anniversary
#anniversary #inuit #arctic #nunavut
'... the lightness of being hits me. I feel it in my belly first. Soft. From there it branches out and touches every part of my body until each cell seems to shine with joy. From honest work. From thankfulness for each person in the boat. And from gratitude for the waters that have given for generations.'
#joy #gratitude
#Indigenous #Inuit
#subsistence #Earth
#thelightnessofbeing #joy #gratitude #indigenous #inuit #subsistence #earth
« Le Nunavik, la région inuit du nord du Québec, compte 14 000 habitants. Le surpeuplement est un problème de longue date. Pendant des décennies, les besoins en infrastructures du Nord ont été négligés par les gouvernements du sud et n’ont pas suivi la croissance démographique de la région. »
Pénurie de logements au Nunavik : des répercussions profondes sur l’éducation
#logement #pénuriedelogements #logementsocial #Nunavik #droitaulogement #éducation #pauvreté #jeunes #inuit #démographie #Nord #promiscuité #école
par Eilís Quinn
sur Espaces Autochtones, RC
#logement #penuriedelogements #logementsocial #Nunavik #droitaulogement #education #pauvrete #jeunes #inuit #Demographie #Nord #promiscuite #ecole
#Indigenous debate venue ("The Lávvu") at #Arendalsuka in #norway
Now: Discussion on #Arctic governance and Indigenous interests and rights.
Expolitation from extractive industries, hate speech and discrimination - New generations face old problems.
Pictured speakers: Susie-Ann Kudluk
President, National #Inuit Youth Council, Canada; Silje Karine Muotka, Presideanta Sámediggi (President Sámi Parliament), Norway.
#indigenous #arendalsuka #norway #arctic #inuit #indigenousmastodon
Jonathan Westaway (2022) The Inuit discovery of Europe? The Orkney Finnmen, preternatural objects and the re-enchantment of early-modern science, Atlantic Studies, 19:2, 200-223, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14788810.2020.1838819 #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #History #Histodon #Histodons #Science #HistSci #EarlyModern #Scotland #Orkney #Arctic #Inuit #Folklore #Europe @histodon @histodons @earlymodern @science
#openaccess #oa #research #article #histodons #science #history #histodon #histsci #earlymodern #scotland #orkney #arctic #inuit #folklore #europe
Jonathan Westaway (2022) The Inuit discovery of Europe? The Orkney Finnmen, preternatural objects and the re-enchantment of early-modern science, Atlantic Studies, 19:2, 200-223, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14788810.2020.1838819 #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #History #Histodon #Histodons #Science #HistSci #EarlyModern #Scotland #Orkney #Arctic #Inuit #Folklore #Europe @histodon @histodons @earlymodern
#oa #earlymodern #inuit #folklore #europe #openaccess #history #histodon #science #histsci #scotland #research #histodons #article #orkney #arctic
For a belated #InternationalChessDay :
Chess set made by #Inuit artist Pacome Qulaut, 1960
slate & walrus tusk
Museum of Anthropology:
In each colour there are: 1 large walrus figure w/diamonds around base of pedestal (white piece has inlaid black stone in a band around top of pedestal & at centre of each diamond around base); 1 smaller walrus with bands around base of pedestal; 2 bears; 2 deer; 2 igloos; and 8 birds. All of the figures are at the top of a pedestal base.
Uyaraq on stage at #RidduRiđđu #Indigenous festival in Olmmáivággi, #Sapmi
#ridduriddu #indigenous #sapmi #sami #inuit
Je découvre le jeu Never Alone (gratuit récemment sur #EpicGames). C'est vraiment sympa. C'est un temps père-fille avec ma 13 ans, c'est cool.
Il y a le côté jeu, le côté coop, et toute la découverte de la culture Inuit. c'est fascinant.
#xp #jeuxvideo #inuit
#epicgames #xp #jeuxvideo #inuit
Today in 1993, the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act are passed by Parliament. The process to transition to the establishment of Nunavut will take six years, happening on April 1, 1999.
In 1992, 85% of voters in the area of Nunavut voted for the agreement.
#nunavut #arctic #inuit #canadian #canada
Happy birthday to Leona Aglukkaq, born today in 1967!
The first Conservative federal candidate to win in Nunavut, she was also the first Inuk woman to serve in federal cabinet, serving as Health & Environment Minister.
She served in Parliament from 2008 to 2015.
#cdnpol #canpol #cdnpoli #canpoli #canada #history #inuk #inuit #nunavut
#cdnpol #canpol #cdnpoli #canpoli #canada #history #inuk #inuit #nunavut
Je découvre le jeu Never Alone (gratuit récemment sur #EpicGames). C'est vraiment sympa. C'est un temps père-fille avec ma 13 ans, c'est cool.
Il y a le côté jeu, le côté coop, et toute la découverte de la culture Inuit. c'est fascinant.
#xp #jeuxvideo #inuit
#epicgames #xp #jeuxvideo #inuit
Global News BC: ‘Reconnecting with our ceremonies’: National Indigenous Peoples Day and summer solstice https://globalnews.ca/news/9778480/sacred-beginnings-summer-solstice-indigenous-tradition/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NationalIndigenousPeoplesDay #Reconciliation #summersolstice #Perspectives #FirstNations #Celebration #Indigenous #Learning #Solstice #Canada #June21 #Inuit #Metis
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nationalindigenouspeoplesday #reconciliation #summersolstice #perspectives #firstnations #celebration #indigenous #learning #solstice #Canada #june21 #inuit #Metis
Global News BC: First Indigenous woman to lead a Canadian government honoured with stamp: Canada Post https://globalnews.ca/news/9762078/nellie-cournoyae-first-indigenous-leader-government-canada-post-stamp/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NellieCournoyeastamp #NorthwestTerritories #IndigenousLeaders #NellieCournoyea #ThelmaChalifoux #westernArctic #GeorgeManuel #CanadaPost #Indigenous #Politics #Premier #Canada #Inuit #Stamp
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nelliecournoyeastamp #NorthwestTerritories #indigenousleaders #nelliecournoyea #thelmachalifoux #westernarctic #georgemanuel #canadapost #indigenous #politics #premier #Canada #inuit #stamp
#Nunavut & many #Inuit communities are already #leading the charge; establishing over 40 million hectares of #marine #protected areas & #investing in the #BlueConservationEconomy of the #Arctic .
A blue #conservation #economy is how #CoastalCommunities can #GenerateWealth by using #NaturalResources in a #sustainable way. This includes industries & activities that benefit from #ocean #stewardship - fishing, eco-tourism & research.
#nunavut #inuit #leading #marine #protected #investing #blueconservationeconomy #arctic #conservation #economy #coastalcommunities #generatewealth #naturalresources #sustainable #ocean #stewardship #indigenous #firstnations #canada