I am reading hundreds of abstracts now in the field of #InvasionEcology. I realized that many authors forget to mention if the #species they are mentioning are #invasive or #native to the area.
It's difficult to assess what exactly they are trying to see there if I only have a scientific name of a species.
Obviously one can read the whole article, but in my case I don't have access to it just the abstract, so best is to have that information.
#invasionecology #species #invasive #native #invasivespecies
Who is attending @emapi2023 and is presenting/working on something related to legacy effects after plant invasions (e.g., during restoration)?
It can be soil, interactions, or social related.
If this is you, get in touch! 👀
#plantinvasions #invasionecology #restoration
RT @floryannelli
Last day of #BES2020! Interested in what happens after removing a dominant woody legume? Then, check out my online presentation at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022. #BES2022 - via #Whova event app
#bes2020 #bes2022 #whova #legacyeffects #invasionecology #restorationecology
Last day of #BES2020! Interested in what happens after removing a dominant woody legume? Then, check out my online presentation at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022. #BES2022 - via #Whova event app
#bes2020 #bes2022 #whova #legacyeffects #invasionecology #restorationecology
Can plant survey data collected to study the dispersion dynamics of an invasive species along a height gradient become too old to publish?
To me, it is a hard no. Thoughts?
#invasivespecies #invasionecology #Reviewer2
Let me introduce myself:
I'm a #wildlife #ecologist, lover of #macroecology & #invasionecology.
I'm interested in #sciencepolicy work & how scientific evidence can be translated & delivered to #decisionmakers & relevant #stakeholder . I'm also very interested in #scicom / #sciencecommunication .
I lead a synthesis centre, a small funding agency.
Expect from me here Informationen on biodiversity related issues, calls for funding opportunities, distribution of #jobs & some #music stuff.
#wildlife #ecologist #macroecology #invasionecology #sciencepolicy #decisionmakers #stakeholder #scicom #sciencecommunication #jobs #music
This 1985 map showing the recorded distribution of pampas grasses in New Zealand's exotic forests and the degree of infestation compared with the #iNaturalist distribution today is sad and bloody terrifying.
"As yet, no records of pampas in forests south of Nelson."
#InvasiveWeeds #InvasionEcology #Ecology #Weeds #Pampas #Cortaderia
#inaturalist #invasiveweeds #invasionecology #ecology #weeds #pampas #cortaderia
I'm not at #EntSoc22 in Vancouver, sadly - but four students from my lab are there, presenting on aspects of #Entomology and #InvasionEcology. If you're there, check out their talks (thread):
#invasionecology #entomology #EntSoc22
This #harvestman, the Fork-palped Harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus agg., was the species to get me interested in this #Arachnid order.
I kept seeing one sprawled out in characteristic parallel leg posture on walk home from uni back in 2015. When I tried ID, I was then made aware of non-native harvestmen being under the radar and undetected. This peaked my interest in both #Opiliones and #invasionecology. Though didn't get a chance to delve deeper in research until 2019.
#harvestman #arachnid #opiliones #invasionecology #macrophoto
Hello, I'm Josh - how are you?
In a past life I was conducting research for a #phd in #invasionecology but now a #conservation officer protecting our most threatened #invertebrates in the 12th worst place for biodiversity decline, #northernireland.
Some #entomology and associated focus for me has included #solitarybees , #wasps and #opiliones. Big fan of plants, especially #Lamiaceae and #Orobanchaceae.
Also do a bit of #macrophotography & encourage biological recording.
#phd #invasionecology #conservation #invertebrates #northernireland #entomology #solitarybees #wasps #opiliones #Lamiaceae #Orobanchaceae #macrophotography