Red imported fire ants with painful bites have taken hold in Europe.
Already a serious invasive species in the US and Australia, red imported fire ant nests have now been found in Sicily, Italy, and they could spread to other parts of Europe.
For people, red fire ant bites can be extremely painful due to their venom, which some people may even be allergic to.
#Europe #Italy #Sicily #Ants #FireAnts #InvasiveSpecies #ClimateChange
#ClimateChange #invasivespecies #fireants #ants #sicily #Italy #Europe
Red fire ant colonies found in Italy and could spread across Europe, says study to read about in the Guardian.
”…has a powerful sting, damages crops and can infest electrical equipment including cars and computers"
@franzi "Einem aktuellen Bericht des Weltbiodiversitätsrats zufolge sind gebietsfremde Arten weltweit ein bislang massiv unterschätztes Problem"
An diesem Bericht haben hunderte Wissenschaftler jahrelang gearbeitet. Die wollen damit nicht rechte Ideologien unterstützen, sondern ein reales Problem wissenschaftlich untermauert benennen und lösen. An anderen Stellen wird gefordert, auf Wissenschaftler zu hören, das ist hier auch nötig. #invasivespecies
Ein Buchsbaumzünsler (Cydalima perspectalis)
#invasivearten #invasivespecies #insekten #insects
Assessing the massive costs of biological invasions to Australia and the world
#ipbes #biodiversity #invasivespecies
From toads to bugs, UN says #invasivespecies rising at ‘unprecedented rate’
Landmark report says invasive species are a major threat to #biodiversity and require countries to work together to stop their spread. #UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (#IPBES) said the global economic cost of invasive alien species exceeded $423bn annually in 2019, with costs having at least quadrupled every decade since 1970.
#invasivespecies #biodiversity #un #ipbes
For the #SciArtSeptember theme “strangling” my gel plate prints of Vincetoxicum rossicum, also known as European swallowwort, or Dog-strangling Vine. Introduced to the NE US gardens in the mid-1800s, it’s become wildly invasive in south & central Ontario. While it doesn’t actually strangle dogs, it can be a risk to native plants and animals. It’s illegal to buy, sell, trade or purposely sell dog-strangling vine in Ontario;
#printmaking #sciart #MastoArt #invasiveSpecies #weeds #ecology
#sciartseptember #printmaking #sciart #mastoart #invasivespecies #weeds #ecology
Climate change is helping to boost the spread of invasive species, which as the article points out, can have impacts globally, even though the species may only be in a few countries.
Be careful about moving insects and weed seeds around with you when you travel!
#climatechange #invasivespecies #globaltrade #biosecurity
“Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand have among the highest modern global native species extinction rates. Australia is the worst in the world for mammals, while Aotearoa New Zealand has experienced tragic loss in endemic birds, largely due to invasive species.”
#biodiversity #invasivespecies #australia
Very excited for the opportunity to organize a #workshop at the next #EMAPi23! If you have experience (or are interested) with what happens with the impacts of #invasive #plants after removal, register using the links below. You can also DM for more information!
#invasivespecies 🍃👽🌿
#workshop #emapi23 #invasive #plants #invasivespecies
#Invasivespecies cost #humans $423bn each year and threaten world’s #diversity
#invasivespecies #humans #diversity
No es un problema local: 37.000 especies invasoras amenazan a la salud humana y del planeta
Un nuevo informe detalla cómo las miles de especies que los humanos hemos movido de sitio han jugado un papel clave en el 60 % de las extinciones y empeorarán las consecuencias de la crisis climática, como los grandes incendios
#invasivespecies #especiesinvasoras
#especiesinvasoras #invasivespecies
#InvasiveSpecies cost humans $423bn each year and threaten world’s #diversity
At least 3,500 harmful invasive species recorded in every region on Earth spread by #HumanActivity, says UN report #Environment #AgeofExtinction
#ageofextinction #environment #humanactivity #diversity #invasivespecies
Weed wide web: characterising illegal online trade of invasive plants in Australia
Despite biosecurity laws, Australian researchers found the online black market for invasive, often illegal, plant species remains unregulated. In just one year, 1,415 instances of such illicit trade found online. More regulation and awareness 🔬🌿
#Botany #botanyai #invasivespecies
...another instance where calm is called for: when you spot a bipalium kewense flatworm that's longer than your foot.
these guys are big predators of earthworms & are thus enemies of mine. they may also be carriers for angiostrongylus.
they are one of my least favorite creepy crawlies. do not touch with your hands. smoosh them on sight. they can regrow from fragments, so smoosh them FULLY.
#InvasiveSpecies #invertebrates #nature #ActualSolarPunk #HighContextLiving
#invasivespecies #invertebrates #nature #actualsolarpunk #highcontextliving
living with the land requires a certain level of calm when you find a huge live cane toad floating in one of your water buckets (toad juice!!!). or when you find a slug at the bottom of your veggie bowl. that bowl gets put in a tub every day at dusk so slugs don't get in, & yet!
(slugs here are carriers for angiostrongylus cantonensis, & the cane toads have poison skin. yay nature!)
#ActualSolarPunk #offgrid #homestead #nature #InvasiveSpecies #solarpunk #HighContextLiving
#actualsolarpunk #offgrid #homestead #nature #invasivespecies #solarpunk #highcontextliving
Gizmodo: 10 Bugs Scientists Want You to Squash Immediately #agriculturalpestinsects #brownmarmoratedstinkbug #spottedlanternfly #euglandinarosea #invasivespecies #emeraldashborer #rosywolfsnail #pentatomidae #khaprabeetle #environment #ashborer #stinkbug #insect #brown
#agriculturalpestinsects #brownmarmoratedstinkbug #spottedlanternfly #euglandinarosea #invasivespecies #emeraldashborer #rosywolfsnail #pentatomidae #khaprabeetle #environment #ashborer #stinkbug #insect #brown
cane toad (bufo marinus) is one of the many #InvasiveSpecies here on #hawaii island.
they are big (like a fist), fearless, & flat on the road (their fearlessness leads to them being squashed by cars).
they really let you get this close:
sometimes dogs pick 'em up & get poisoned & die.
one of them is sitting in my kitchen right now. i do not know its agenda.
their numbers increase.
learn more (PDF):
#invasivespecies #hawaii #ecology #environment #biodiversity #nature
Argentine ants are a super successful #invasivespecies
including one colony that extends over 1000km, and now Neil Tsutsui & co #UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley have discovered that the ant's large body size, which protects them from dehydration, is the key to their success
#comparativephysiology #entomology #zoology #biology
To read the full research go to
#invasivespecies #universityofcaliforniaberkeley #comparativephysiology #entomology #zoology #biology
more vine removal tips on day ?? of vine clearing:
if you can find where the vine emanates from, you can cut a perimeter & then slowly shrink the circle (or circles).
i don't pull vine all day every day, but i do try to pull a little vine almost every day.
the vine expands, i trim it back, & the cycle continues. i merely surf the vine growth. the vine creeps forward, i push it back. it is a dance i do, me & the vine. fin.
#VineGang #TropicalAg #FoodForest #InvasiveSpecies #gardening
#vinegang #tropicalag #foodforest #invasivespecies #gardening