Personnellement, si le livre n'existe pas, je le cherche par son isbn sur https://inventaire.io qui sait consulter les bonnes bases de données, et ensuite, je cherche l'isbn sur bookwyrm et j'importe le livre depuis inventaire. C'est une étape de plus mais ça permet d'avoir les noms d'auteur et d'éditeur réguliers.
#bookwyrm #inventaire
[#veille #inventaire #archives #réfugiésespagnols 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 ]
Inventaire de la direction de la #police du territoire et des #étrangers relatifs aux #réfugiés de la #guerrecivileespagnole (1935-1940)
#20esiecle #histoire #Archivesnatfr #GuerreCivileEspagnole #refugies #etrangers #police #refugiesespagnols #archives #inventaire #veille
[#veille #inventaire #archives #architecture]
Publication d'un répertoire méthodique d'orientation dans les archives de l'administration des bâtiments civils et palais nationaux (XIXe-XXe siècle)
#archivesnatfr #histoire #19esiecle #20esiecle #patrimoine #batimentspublics
#batimentspublics #patrimoine #20esiecle #19esiecle #histoire #Archivesnatfr #architecture #archives #inventaire #veille
@fynhv @fr___g wir suchen übrigens noch Leute, die für die #Fediverse-Serie von gnulinux einen kleinen Erfahrungsbericht über #Inventaire schreiben.
Das könnte dazu beitragen, es bekannter zu machen.
🇬🇧 If you are around Paris Saturday, @jums will be at https://passageenseine.fr to chat about #inventaire, #wikidata, #nlnet funding, etc.
There is even a little workshop at 10am
A big thanks to the organizing team of @passageenseine for allowing this to happen.
🇫🇷 Si vous êtes en région parisienne samedi, @jums sera à https://passageenseine.fr pour discuter #inventaire, #wikidata, financement #nlnet, etc.
Y'a un atelier inventaire samedi 10h
Un grand merci a celleux qui organisent tout ca. #PSES
#inventaire #wikidata #nlnet #pses
🇬🇧 If you are around Paris saturday, @jums will be at https://passageenseine.fr to chat about #inventaire, #wikidata, #nlnet funding, etc.
There is even a little workshop at 10am.
A big tanks to the organizing team of @passageenseine for allowing this to happen.
🇫🇷 Si vous êtes en région parisienne samedi, @jums sera à https://passageenseine.fr pour discuter #inventaire, #wikidata, financement #nlnet, etc.
Y'a un atelier inventaire samedi 10h
Un grand merci a celleux qui organise tout ca.
#inventaire #wikidata #nlnet #pses
🇬🇧 If you are around Paris saturday, @jums will be at passageenseine.fr to chat about #inventaire, #wikidata, #nlnet funding, etc.
There is even a little workshop at 10am.
A big tanks to the organizing team of @passageenseine for allowing this to happen.
🇫🇷 Si vous êtes en région parisienne samedi, @jums sera à passageenseine.fr pour discuter #inventaire, #wikidata, financement #nlnet, etc.
Y'a un atelier inventaire samedi 10h
Un grand merci a celleux qui organise tout ca.
#inventaire #wikidata #nlnet #pses
About a year ago I migrated from #Goodreads to #Storygraph, but I'm frustrated by the experience. Now, I considered just going back to the corpo network. First I'll give #BookWyrm a go (or maybe #Inventaire). Luckily, it also supports importing my #library via a CSV file.
Any tips?
Nevertheless, I hoped that I could somehow use my #Mastodon #profile to have a unique #identity. That is impossible as of now, but I found this interesting #article that shares my thoughts:
#goodreads #storygraph #Bookwyrm #inventaire #library #Mastodon #profile #identity #article
@filippodb Circa 7 mesi che sono su #mastodon e tralasciamo il fatto che mi si è aperto un mondo di alternative (#invidious, #inventaire, ecc.).
Ieri pensavo al fatto che negli ultimi 10/15 anni non ho mai avuto così tante interazioni, utili, divertenti, costruttive, ma soprattutto civili, anche quando si è su sponde opposte di pensiero.
Oggigiorno, questa comunicazione a 360° è tanta roba, se mi capite...
#mastodon #invidious #inventaire
@Paoblog ciao 🙂
Puoi usare #inventaire per lo scambio o regalo di libri 😊🙏🏼🍀
Ti lascio qui un link utile di @lealternative : https://www.lealternative.net/2020/09/11/alternativa-ad-amazon-books/
Wir haben grade inventaire.io per Wikipedia entdeckt und wollen mal testen, ob wir damit unseren offenen Bücherschrank im Aufenthaltsraum bekannte und zugänglicher gemacht bekommen. Wir werden dort in den nächsten Wochen mal unsere Sammlung eintragen.
Schaut gerne mal vorbei → @fsmi_mz
#Mastodon: Fatto
#Inventaire: Fatto
#Invidious: Fatto
#NextCloud: Fatto
#Pixelfeld: non mi interessa
#Matrix: per ora non mi interessa
#bitwarden: in fase di test
#Proton: Fatto
Che manca?
#mastodon #inventaire #invidious #nextcloud #pixelfeld #matrix #bitwarden #proton
Caricati su #inventaire una ventina di libri in vendita, soprattutto "gialli del Nord"...
Entro la settimana conto di finire...
@troppacaffeina Su #inventaire sto caricando l'elenco dei libri cartacei ancora disponibili; per ora lo lascio lì, pubblico, dopo di che ogni tanto ne scelgo qualcuno da donare.
Se la cosa funziona, bene, sennò proseguirò con l'invio di "buste di libri a sorpresa" ...
Chi vuol capire, capisca.. 🤭
@stefano_zan @LasolitasolitaLaura all'elenco delle applicazioni dei giorni scorsi, ora devo aggiungere anche #inventaire
➡️ https://www.lealternative.net/2020/09/11/alternativa-ad-amazon-books/
@stefano_zan se ti piace leggere e/o scambiare libri #inventaire fà al caso tuo! 😁
Se ti va leggi qui: https://www.lealternative.net/2020/09/11/alternativa-ad-amazon-books/ e complimenti per tutto ciò che stai utilizzando! Continua così ♥
@crossgolf_rebel @Uwe_M @lollonero
Auf #Inventaire ist u.a. @sl007@digitalcourage.social aktiv mit @sl007@inventaire.io
@sl007 Sorry, that's right. Yesterday it didn't work from Mastodon, i.e. the account wasn't found via the search field, but it was found via Friendica. Well, I just tried again: Now I could also connect to the #Inventaire account from Mastodon. @maxlath @chris @caos@anonsys.net
@sl007@digitalcourage.social 🧐 #Inventaire , da habe ich noch nie von gehört.
Inwiefern unterscheidet es sich von #Bookwyrm ?
Geht es bei Bookwyrm eher um das Teilen von Leseerfahrungen und bei Inventaire eher darum, sich in privaten Gruppen Bücher auszuleihen?
@caos@anonsys.net @sl007@inventaire.io
@barefootstache There are a few ways of getting books imported into #Bookwyrm if they are not yet.
1) Search. If you have a small number of books you want to add, just search for them by Title, Author, ISBN, etc. If there are no local hits, it will automatically search #OpenLibrary, #Inventaire, and the rest of the Bookwyrm network. If there some local results, but not what you are looking for, at the bottom, there will be a link "Load results from other catalogues". This will trigger the OpenLibrary and Inventaire search. Then just click Import. It will immediately be imported to the local instance.
2) Manual Add. If step 1 doesn't find what you need, there is a link at the bottom https://bookwyrm.tech/create-book. This will allow you add a book to the Bookwyrm network.
3) Import. If you have a lot of books, you can go to https://bookwyrm.tech/import. This automates the process above for every book. There are several file formats that are supported including #Goodreads, #Storygraph, #LibraryThing, #OpenLibrary, and #Calibre. Note, if you choose this option, send me a PM. I have an automated @bookbot that is constantly importing books to my instance. I can pause those imports to allow yours to get processed faster.
4) Let my Bookbot script add it. If you have a long list of books and you don't have them in a format, I can still import them. PM me and we'll figure it out.
#Bookwyrm #openlibrary #inventaire #goodreads #StoryGraph #librarything #calibre