Rrrroooo… Étonnantes découvertes que l’on peut faire en ouvrant une bouteille d’un vin inconnu (qui, pour moi, sont un peu comme une de ces explorations à l’ancienne)🍷 … Ici, donc, un schéma « d’hélicoptère à vapeur —1861
Vicomte G. de Ponton d’Amecourt » 🌠 #vin #vigneron #bordeaux #vindebordeaux #France #terroir #inventions
#vin #vigneron #bordeaux #vindebordeaux #france #terroir #inventions
Tell me about your favourite invention, and why it changed your life.
#inventions #ingenuity
Patents for medical technology inventions – how are they faring post-Aristocrat?https://www.maddocks.com.au/insights/patents-for-medical-technology-inventions-how-are-they-faring-post-aristocrat #patent #health #medicine #subjectmatter #inventions
#patent #health #medicine #subjectmatter #inventions
A supramolecular organo-ionic electrolyte that can be liquidated for recycling
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
Tech breakthrough could boost states' use of geothermal power
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
Un livre que j'ai adoré quand j'étais petit, avec plein d'illustrations.
Les inventions de la nature et la « bionique ». Auteur : Yves Coisneau et les dessins de Biruta Kresling, architecte.
Édité chez Hachette en 1989.
D'autres livres passionnants sur :https://bionique.artbite.fr/Nager-sans-nageoire.html
#bionique #nature #biodiversite #biodiversity #natural #livres #inventions #education #science
#bionique #nature #biodiversite #biodiversity #natural #livres #inventions #education #Science
@Wolfie_Rankin Id highly recommend "The Mother of Invention" by Katrin Marcal which speaks about just that kind of thing. #Inventions that weren't taken up by manufacturers bc they weren't "manly" - like wheels on suitcases..
In 1960-70s when ppl had more money for international travel it was the man's job to lug 2 x 25kg suitcases for the family holiday. Product designers spent time making more comfortable handles; god forbid wheels!! Only rich women travelled alone and they'd buy a porter.
Then as #travel became accessible for modern single women, a Danish company invented wheels on a cabin bag that AIRCREW were seen using. The image became that of smart successful men in uniforms using small versatile suitcases.. the rest is history.
Why NOT invest in YOURSELVES? #Africa #news #technology #Malawi #Wealth #News #Inventions #Afrique 👉🏽https://tinyurl.com/nhjatxu4
#Africa #news #technology #malawi #wealth #inventions #afrique
#Cuddles, #Showers and #Sleep are the #best #inventions ever (#right after #music :blobcatgiggle2: )
#cuddles #showers #sleep #best #inventions #right #music #stuffalcea
Have you ever wondered why it's customary to shake hands with the right hand? Humans have not always enjoyed the luxury of 4 ply cloud soft cushion. The finest man in toilet paper security (Mr Whipple) knows this, and that's exactly why he implored: "PLEASE, DON'T SQUEEZE THE CHARMIN!".
Aside from the left-hand, some of the first tools used for "throne" hygiene, are listed below. Just a submission from the archives of #UselessTrivia that clutters my mind. Someone said "useless trivia" was the hashtag game today. Maybe they were stoned.
Thousands of years ago, Hygiene sticks, known as salaka, cechou and chugi were used. Many were basically a sponge on a stick.
For the longest time, the Sears catalog was a favorite, as well as another publication. Have you ever wondered why the "Farmers Almanac" has a punch-hole in the top corner? This was the reason. The hole was "punched" so the magazine could be hung on a hook in the outhouse. Not kidding. Later, something called Apothecary paper was marketed but, people began to use this invention as stationary because of the quality of the paper. This paved the way for the more modern version of toidy tissue textiles.
Touted as:
"The Greatest Necessity of the Age", in 1857, Joseph Gayetty introduced:
The image and article below tells the rest. Considering the other options, can you think of any better invention? Given a choice between toilet paper and the internet... my clean behind and I, would miss all of you very much.
OutOfExile_IDR © 2022
#humor #ToiletPaper #inventions #hygiene #relief #bathroom #Jocularistians #BathroomHumor #lavatory #restroom #PitStop #HashtagGames #UselessTrivia
#UselessTrivia #humor #toiletpaper #inventions #hygiene #relief #bathroom #jocularistians #bathroomhumor #lavatory #restroom #pitstop #hashtaggames
A proposal to build a sub-Saharan Africa electrical grid across 12 countries
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#ycombinator #hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
A big shout out to Pat my dear friend and colleague @patsypcp who has just joined us on here.. a woman of many talents and interests including #inventions #crafting #felting #trekkie #quizzes #diy very handy with #PowerTools She is about to launch a #podcast on #InvisibleDisability and will be able to make some great contributions to the fabulous #ChickensOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon as she has #RescueHens and a beautiful blind #Spaniel too 🐔🐾 😃
#inventions #crafting #felting #trekkie #quizzes #diy #powertools #Podcast #invisibledisability #chickensofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #rescuehens #spaniel
When we talk about the press (“press pass”, “freedom of the press”), we probably are not thinking of the printing press and movable type. The inventions of the printing press (Germany, AD 1440) and movable type (China, AD 1040), together with technologies such as paper and eyeglasses, led to the first information revolution, which eventually led to social media and Mastodon. #technology #inventions
A new method for packing objects inside a rigid container
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
New aluminum radical battery promises more sustainable power
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
Industrial Revolution iron method ‘was taken from Jamaica by Briton’ - Wrought iron process that drove UK success was appropriated from black metallurgists, records suggest"
"An innovation that propelled Britain to become the world’s leading iron exporter during the Industrial Revolution was appropriated from an 18th-century Jamaican foundry, historical records suggest.
The Cort process, which allowed wrought iron to be mass-produced from scrap iron for the first time, has long been attributed to the British financier turned ironmaster Henry Cort ... Now, an analysis of correspondence, shipping records and contemporary newspaper reports reveals the innovation was first developed by 76 black Jamaican metallurgists at an ironworks near Morant Bay, Jamaica. Many of these metalworkers were enslaved people trafficked from west and central Africa, which had thriving iron-working industries at the time.
Dr Jenny Bulstrode, a lecturer in history of science and technology at University College London (UCL) and author of the paper, said: “This innovation kicks off Britain as a major iron producer and … was one of the most important innovations in the making of the modern world.”
#BIPOC #Slavery #Enslaved #Colonialism #Jamaica #Metallurgy #Iron #Ironmaking #UK #Britain #IndustrialRevolution #Industrial #Manufacturing #Africa #Africans #Inventions #Innovation
#bipoc #slavery #enslaved #colonialism #jamaica #metallurgy #iron #ironmaking #uk #britain #industrialrevolution #industrial #manufacturing #africa #africans #inventions #innovation
In 1974, Arthur Paul Pindick invented the golf tee, forgetting that they already existed.
#sport #golf #tee #inventions #innovation
We are wasting up to 20% of our time on computer problems, says study
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
#hi_tech_news #hitech #innovation #inventions #computer_news #information_technology
10 Medieval Inventions that Changed the World https://www.medievalists.net/2023/06/medieval-inventions-world/ #medieval #history #inventions
#medieval #history #inventions
A little Redneck ingenuity is just the fix we need sometimes (38 Photos)
#DIY #Humanity #Shocking #Winning #WTF #creations #fixes #ingenuity #inventions #repairs #rigging
#diy #humanity #shocking #winning #WTF #creations #fixes #ingenuity #inventions #repairs #rigging