RT @SLSTechLaw
The US #Patent & #Trademark Office requests comments regarding AI & #inventorship. Join its West Coast AI inventorship public listening session @stanfordlaw & give input on #AI tech & inventorship issues that may result from their advancement. #USPTO Info: https://www.uspto.gov/initiatives/artificial-intelligence/ai-and-emerging-technology-partnership-engagement-and-events
#patent #trademark #inventorship #ai #uspto
Ars Technica: As COVID vaccine patent dispute drags on, Moderna forks over $400M to NIH https://arstechnica.com/?p=1920085 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #inventorship #COVID-19 #reserach #Science #moderna #vaccine #patent #niaid #NIH #ip
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #inventorship #covid #reserach #science #Moderna #Vaccine #patent #niaid #nih #ip
@resigned_effulgence #neurodivergent literary theory seems like a thing that should exist, but I did a cursory google search and couldn't find anything about it being a 'thing' like marxist or feminist theory. So if it's not a thing yet, I declare... #inventorship of it. I also claim inventorship of the word 'inventorship,' if it's not a thing.
RT @iprhelpdesk: Our new #factsheet aims to clarify the concepts of #ownership, #inventorship and #authorship, by explaining the different characteristics and shedding some light on the way they should be dealt with.
Download here: https://intellectual-property-helpde…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/InnoRadarEU/status/1588528539325693952
#Factsheet #ownership #inventorship #authorship
Our new #factsheet aims to clarify the concepts of #ownership, #inventorship and #authorship, by explaining the different characteristics and shedding some light on the way they should be dealt with.
Download here: https://intellectual-property-helpdesk.ec.europa.eu/r…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IPRHelpdesk/status/1588517147973656576
#Factsheet #ownership #inventorship #authorship