#Earthquake M3.8 strikes 142 km SW of #Invercargill (New Zealand) 6 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1532501
I used to think that Tim Shadbolt, in his last term, was just the worst mayor possible for Invercargill. Well, in a classic case of 'hold my beer', along comes this nobhead to prove that thought completely wrong. What is wrong with that place?
#Earthquake M3.2 strikes 13 km W of #Invercargill (New Zealand) 3 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1277136
I think I've found the guidelines for the Tim Shadbolt statue https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/609147 #Invercargill
#Earthquake M4.4 strikes 42 km SW of #Invercargill (New Zealand) 3 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1267425
Imagine learning that you have six to eight weeks to live. Then you're told that an oncologist will see you in 12 weeks time.
The Health and Disability Commission says Southern cancer patients are being neglected. In the 2020-21 period, Southern DHB was the 19th worst out of 20.
Delays in cancer treatment are a death penalty for some patients. We can and need to do better than this.
#cancer #otepoti #sdhb #dunedin #invercargill
It seems that Invercargill's mayor "Nobby" Clark is a bit of a knob.
Knobby likes repeating the N word. He claims he's just quoting "... phrases from poets, rappers and others in the arts community which he personally found offensive".
Sorry? He finds words offensive, yet he repeats them in public?
We live in times where casual racists feel emboldened, especially those in local councils.
#racism #nobbyclark #invercargill
A large Invercargill palm kernel storage facility is burning.
Think of the gorillas who died in vain to produce this lot. To our eternal shame, NZ is still the world's biggest importer of palm kernel.
#palmkernel #invercargill #fire
Just after new year, I agreed to buy a cafe/restaurant.
Today will be our first day trading.
It still feels pretty sudden and impulsive! Luckily we have a great team and more importantly for me, day to day management will be handled by my wife's brother. It's basically his business, even though it's our money ...
So, if you're in #NZ #Invercargill #Waihōpai, drop in to First In Windsor on King St ...
RT @kiwipycon
Kiwi PyCon XII's Call for Proposals is OPEN from TODAY UNTIL 11:59 pm on Friday 14th of APRIL, 2023.
The CfP will be only open for 61 days so don’t leave your application for later.
Please share :)
#kiwipycon #waihopai #invercargill #callforproposals
The remnants of #Balclutha Railway Station. Up to 2002, this station was served by the Southerner train six days a week to #Dunedin, #Invercargill and #Christchurch. Not much is left apart from a rough platform and a couple of broken lamp posts.
#balclutha #dunedin #invercargill #christchurch
I'm a reluctant flyer today from #Christchurch > #Dunedin. I would've much rather taken the train. Up to 2004, the Southerner train ran daily in both directions between Christchurch and #Invercargill via Dunedin. If it came back, I'd be on board, my carbon footprint would be smaller and I would be generally happier.
#christchurch #dunedin #invercargill
#Earthquake M3.1 strikes 54 km SW of #Invercargill (New Zealand) 3 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1203389
After Wellington, Invercargill has stupidly wide streets, and traffic? Sometimes there’s another car!
🐋 Artist: #DcypherDtrcbs in City: #Invercargill New Zealand 🇳🇿 - #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Mural #Graffiti #Artwork #Wal #Whale #Winter
#winter #whale #wal #artwork #graffiti #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #invercargill #dcypherdtrcbs
First part of roadtrip project achieved. Made it to #invercargill airport to meet the mini-me.
I should hashtag #Invercargill hello Invercargillians if that is a thing. Best coffee there is? Please and thank you
So if you are following along on this. There are no bike rental places in #Invercargill so I am going to take a bike or 2 with me and I recall one of the biggest parks in a city ever and have visions of cycling around it. I'm really there to go to Rakiura / Stewart Island but can't really go for too long without a bike ride
Thanks everyone for the boosts. Not sure how many mastodon users in #invercargill