#EngineeringProfessorQuiz #InverseKinematics @BlkInEngineerng @BlackInRobotics #NoireSTEMinist #MySTEMIsForTheStreets.
My robot starts out at 0,0 facing down the positive x-axis. It ends up at 1ft, 1ft. How did it get there? There are many correct answers to this one. #BlackTWitter #BlackFediverse #BlackMastodon
#blackmastodon #blackfediverse #blacktwitter #MySTEMIsForTheStreets #NoireSTEMinist #inversekinematics #engineeringprofessorquiz
#EngineeringProfessorQuiz #InverseKinematics @BlkInEngineerng @BlackInRobotics #NoireSTEMinist #MySTEMIsForTheStreets.
My robot starts out at 0,0 facing down the positive x-axis. It ends up at 1ft, 1ft. How did it get there? There are many correct answers to this one. #BlackTWitter #BlackFediverse #BlackMastodon
#blackmastodon #blackfediverse #blacktwitter #MySTEMIsForTheStreets #NoireSTEMinist #inversekinematics #engineeringprofessorquiz
Wo ich schonmal dabei bin: danke an Oscar Liang für das Tutorial über Inverse Kinematics
Ohne das wäre es noch komplizierter geworden
#hexapod #raspberrypi #arduino #Roboter #inversekinematics