Recently my Field Studies in #Geology class went to the Hausz Brothers Quarry in #Wisconsin to observe the #Pleistocene Lake Scuppernong sediments and #Ordovician bedrock strata of the #Platteville Formation. We collected #fossils while we were there, and this was my first time! Here are a few of the fossil #invertabrates that I collected from the Ordovician strata. This includes, from left to right, up to down: a #Crinoid, a #Cephalopod #nautiloid, a #Brachiopod and #Bryozoan, and a #Gastropod.
#geology #wisconsin #Pleistocene #Ordovician #platteville #fossils #invertabrates #crinoid #cephalopod #nautiloid #brachiopod #bryozoan #gastropod
@frankashwood that photography of #invertabrates could involve a few SNAIL genes undergoing Chromatin remodeling , i.e ., I think most are clockwise
spirals of "growth rings "
Egypt: Scorpions kill three and injure hundreds in Aswan
Scorpions in Egypt have stung three people to death in the southern city of Aswan after heavy storms brought them into the streets and homes. Some 450 more people were injured by scorpion stings ...
#scorpions #egypt #floods #invertabrates #NotTheBandRevival #StingMeLikeAHurricane
#scorpions #egypt #floods #invertabrates #NotTheBandRevival #StingMeLikeAHurricane