POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
306 followers · 11086 posts · Server mstdn.jp
U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4188 followers · 3563 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
79 followers · 1951 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
551 followers · 29251 posts · Server schleuss.online
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
548 followers · 28872 posts · Server schleuss.online
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
506 followers · 24402 posts · Server schleuss.online
ES Michelson · @esmichelson
69 followers · 503 posts · Server mas.to

Dear friends,

If you're not familiar with the @Bellingcat and you're interested in smart
considering following them.


#investigations #digitalforensic #investigators #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
442 followers · 21035 posts · Server schleuss.online
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
414 followers · 17654 posts · Server schleuss.online
Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
123 followers · 142 posts · Server qoto.org

In , and generally, raw is never ever in a usable form.

This is one of the many things persistently gets wrong: the / / omni-computer-geek opens up the file, stares at a bunch of or , and says, “Ah hah! If I the to reverse the on the , I can the sequence to the of the ! Oh, and make if you want, but that’s extra.”

Bonus points if the screen projects on said scientist’s face and reflects from the inevitable chunky-framed glasses. Scribbling equations backward on a transparent whiteboard may also be involved.

, as I have said many times before and no doubt will need to say many times again, are people. We’re pretty good with numbers, yes, as a rule. But what we’re good at doing with those numbers is not reading and understanding them. It’s using them as the raw materials for product which makes sense to the human brain. Words, pictures, and a MUCH SMALLER number of numbers is our goal. Also continued , which is about the kind of numbers everyone understands.

Before we process the numbers, we need to “” them. There are several intermediate steps between the really raw data and the cover story for next week’s issue of Nature. Preprocessing is where we turn the glowing symbols projected onto our faces into something that kinda-sorta makes sense. It’s still not really readable, but people looking at it, who know what they’re looking at, can tell what it represents.

Usually this is in the form of one or more : for a familiar example, think of an workbook with several large . (In reality, storing data in Excel is a terrible idea, but I’ll stick with that metaphor.) Nobody’s going to read and digest everything in the workbook. You can look at the headers and a few of the values and at least have an idea where to start. Preprocessing gets you to that point.

For most types of data, preprocessing is fairly standardized. You don’t have to write your own code: someone else has already done that work for you. Just pick a , run the raw data through it, glance at the output to make sure nothing went horribly wrong. Now you’re ready to write the code only you can write, to discover the Secrets of Life Itself. Now is the time for SCIENCE.

Or Nature. Or The Journal Of Obscure Subfield Ten People In The World Know Exists. Or a tech report. You know, whatever.

Careful readers will have noticed the word “fairly” above. In fact there are multiple to choose from, and multiple packages implementing those algorithms, and written at 3:00 AM by an exhausted who really just wanted to check the cultures one last time and grab the remaining half a chicken salad sandwich from the break room fridge and go home and crawl into bed for a few hours’ sleep before dragging ass back in tomorrow. Shower optional.

Other exhausted postdocs and their harassed , who get somewhat more sleep and a somewhat finer grade of chicken salad but are much more worried about upcoming funding application deadlines, may or may not bother to write down which package they use to preprocess their data. Or what specific parameters they tuned. Or if they even know how they’re supposed to use the damned thing: there’s a really good chance they just ran the data through on the default settings, got something that looked reasonable, and called it a day.

Amazingly, most of the time this doesn’t really matter. Data has a life of its own. The bigger the data set gets, and these days nearly all data are “big data,” the more likely it is that any reasonable method will produce similar results. Good thing too, otherwise science (and Science) would grind to a screeching, shuddering, smoking halt.

Sometimes it matters a lot. Careful scientists check, just in case. I try to be one of those, and when I’m not, my coworkers pick up the slack. Luckily for me, for most of my career I’ve found myself in the company of those who live up to that standard, and I can mostly convince myself I do the same. Another item on Hollywood’s long list of sins: science is not a solo enterprise. In fact it’s deeply social, which is one of several reason why the stereotype of scientists as loners is a load of crap. But I digress.

In case you’re wondering if this has a point, yes it does, and here it is: all the above is why my boss recently sent me a message saying, “Woah yeah ok so maybe you do need to process from raw after all. B/c idk wtf that is.”

Without any irony at all: I love my job.

#scientific #ip #deconvolve #backpropagate #cellular #data #hacker #polarity #alien #plague #package #algorithms #documentation #computing #hollywood #scientist #gateway #dna #preprocess #tables #excel #spreadsheets #software #postdoc #bioinformatics #numbers #symbols #compile #html #metabolism #dinosaurs #scientists #funding #cell #principal #investigators

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura · @lauraintheory
159 followers · 868 posts · Server mstdn.social

We gave the kid a new graphic novel for each night of Hanukkah. Most were the latest entries in series he already likes (, , ...), but we threw a couple new-to-him picks in there too. For some reason, one of those, Amy Kim Kibuishi’s first book, got set aside and not opened even more than a week after he’d devoured all the others. But not forever... (1/3)

#remachronicles #graphicnovels #MGlit #kidlit #bugboys #investigators #witchesofbrooklyn

Last updated 2 years ago

gwfoto · @gwfoto
77 followers · 189 posts · Server newsie.social

Pillow guy back in the news with crack heads surely at the behest of his czar

has a new focus for his ‘stolen election’ fantasies:

Tuesday, Lindell indicated that he’s going to turn his of voter-fraud on DeSantis’s win in the 2022 midterms. The purported reason? The was just too big — particularly in Miami-Dade County. (The unstated but more likely reason? DeSantis is a growing to .)


#mikelindell #rondesantis #crackteam #investigators #marginofvictory #threat #trump

Last updated 2 years ago

gwfoto · @gwfoto
74 followers · 157 posts · Server newsie.social

While all eyes were on the behind the scenes the people who were listening had something to .

The ’s report, which came out Thursday, highlights how tracked down little-known insiders – from the campaign to the to the – who key moments and provided critical information to the .


#focused #principles #contribute #january6committee #investigators #trump #nationalguard #republicannationalcommittee #witnessed #panel

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Gatewaybeast
56 followers · 7881 posts · Server brighteon.social

⌛ Throwbacks Headlines 2022: also found a life insurance policy in Jim’s name that stated Teresa was the beneficiary as well as an insurance policy on the home. depopulationsocial.blogspot.co


Last updated 2 years ago

· @Gatewaybeast
56 followers · 7963 posts · Server brighteon.social

⌛ Throwbacks Headlines 2022: also found a life insurance policy in Jim’s name that stated Teresa was the beneficiary as well as an insurance policy on the home. depopulationsocial.blogspot.co


Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
214 followers · 5863 posts · Server schleuss.online

…they can be added to an existing skill! My favorite example is Paranoia. I will sometimes even give out 1-2% in this skill during play itself, if the PCs are totally paranoid, weighing possibilities that are more outlandish than anything I could ever devise! Paranoia can be added to Spot Hidden, Listen, Psychology skill rolls etc. I find this approach is a fun way to improve rewards and can also give the an edge in their fight against the .

#callofcthulhu #investigators #mythos

Last updated 2 years ago

insiderua · @insiderua
16 followers · 93 posts · Server social.lviv.dcomm.net.ua

Що мені підганяє YouTube в рекомендаціях:

Зашквари ОАСКу під час війни: мільйон для КДБіста і послуга росіянину


#journalists #media #investigators

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
74 followers · 2830 posts · Server schleuss.online