If only there was a way to #tax #billionaires who secure wealth in #blindtrusts, #landHoldings, #investmentProperties they leave empty and #taxHavens...
Oh wait - its called #landTax!
#henryGeorge #landTaxOnRentalValue #emptyHomes #speculation #rentSeeking #rentseekingbehaviour #billionairesTax #millionairesTax #investment #capitalGains #negativeGearing #taxAvoidance #taxEvasion #bernieSanders #landTaxRentalValue #progressAndPoverty
#tax #billionaires #blindtrusts #landHoldings #investmentProperties #taxHavens #LandTax #HenryGeorge #landTaxOnRentalValue #emptyHomes #speculation #rentSeeking #rentseekingbehaviour #billionairesTax #millionairesTax #investment #capitalGains #negativeGearing #taxavoidance #taxevasion #berniesanders #landTaxRentalValue #ProgressAndPoverty
All #oligarchs and the #extremelyWealthy own vast swaths of #land and #investmentProperties in prime locations.
Given your opposition to the #billionaireClass you may be interested in the #HenryGeorge model of #taxation, which taxes land based on its improved (aka #rentalValue) and abolishing #incomeTax.
That tax will force them to relinguish some of their many investments and #landHoldings, which forms part of their #monopoly over govts.
You can't hide land in #taxHavens ;)
#oligarchs #extremelyWealthy #land #investmentProperties #billionaireclass #HenryGeorge #taxation #rentalValue #incometax #landHoldings #monopoly #taxHavens