It’s wild how quickly teeth can shift when you don't wear your Invisalign for a few weeks. (Forgot to pack them for a trip).
Now I'm about 4 trays behind where I had been, and my teeth are still hurting enough to require Tylenol and Advil rotations.
Lesson learned, I'd say.
#invisalign #braces #lessonlearned #ouch #ow
Empecé la noche del martes al miércoles el 4 de 42 de #invisalign y se nota en que los dientes me duelen de forma random por el cambio de mordida que se está produciendo.
Pero ya queda menos y cada vez sé más, que estoy refinando la forma de extraerlo después de unas semanas haciéndolo un poco bruto. La clave: un pañuelo para agarrar(te) bien.
No picar entre horas para no quitarme el #invisalign va a hacer más por mi fase de definición que todas las dietas del mundo.
¿A quién le han puesto #invisalign justo el día antes de irse de vacaciones? 🤪
DM: Does any one want to tell me anything about their character?
Me: Peter has a lisp now
Me, one day a ago: *gets Invisalign*
Just had my anchors put on today and am on my first tray.
Achy teeth and trying to stop the grinding I’m doing because it’s giving me a headache.
I just read one of the side effects is weight loss… I can understand why because I don’t feel like eating! Lol
But looking forward to the end result two!
15 months and a lot of money later, #invisalign over except for the whitening. Permanent bonded retainers in place. Night time retainer coming next week. Ask me anything.
Fingers crossed that today is the end of my #invisalign. I'll have to have wires behind my front teeth and wear a night time retainer forever but the constant in and out of the clear braces and teeth cleaning *many* times a day should be over 🤞🤞
Very much a first world thing but dear GOD am I desperate to be done with this #invisalign
4 more weeks
(I have a mouth stim. It has been a sensory unpleasantness that's gone on 5 months longer than I was told it would)
Buenos días, hoy toca cambio de alineadores. Llevamos 22 de 29 (de la primera parte) #Invisalign
No m'haguès imaginat que el millor remeï per treure's les ganes de picar entre hores fos posar-se un #invisalign.
Simplement per evitar fer tot el procés de treure'l (que encara em costa un parell de minuts), rentar-lo i rentada de dents posterior a menjar 4 fruits secs... passo de picar.
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Bad news: my #invisalign isn't finished yet (as it was supposed to be after 10 months of rigorous, tedious compliance)
Good news: only night time wear needed for current aligners until next sets arrive (2 wks hopefully). He casually mentioned 10 more trays. I'm hoping he's using expectation management techniques and it's only half that number!
But pleased so far. Not just from a cosmetic viewpoint - my bite is so much better.
Today was my official debonding day for my #Invisalign. Time to enjoy a hot drink in my new thermos and eat the chocolates my orthodontist gave me. This picture makes the last 18 months worth it.
I'm now down to the fingers of one hand for invisalign weeks left. (Yes, I absolutely am counting 😬) With my sensory issues/mouthcentric stim it has been a challenge. I wasn't prepared for it to affect me this much. I don't regret it but will be glad when it's over.
#invisalign #sensory #autistic
#invisalign #sensory #autistic
NAK4 Orthodontics is the only VIP #Invisalign Diamond Plus Provider in Arlington Heights, Barrington and #ParkRidge. The Diamond Provider distinction is reserved for the top 1 percent of all Invisalign Diamond Plus Provider in Park Ridge.
@ernie Ugh, that’s a lot! How many trays did you start with? How often are you supposed to change these refinement trays?
I’m midway through 24, and my ortho anticipates that I’ll need refinements after these 24. Currently changing them every six days, but considering moving to every five days.
#invisalign #orthodontia #orthodontics
First time applying lipstick with my #invisalign braces in. A right mess.
Am on month 8 btw, which says a lot about my social life and make up habits these days. Just praying I don't get invited to a wedding 😂