Stephanie Ortoleva · @StephanieOrtoleva
68 followers · 203 posts · Server

parking spaces at Scanlan’s Yard
The sunflower car parking spaces are in a safe location, not immediately located beside the road and are the same dimensions as a wheelchair parking space.

#hiddendisability #accessible #inclusionmatters #invisibledisability #disabilityinclusion #accessibility

Last updated 1 year ago

parking spaces at Scanlan’s Yard
The sunflower car parking spaces are in a safe location, not immediately located beside the road and are the same dimensions as a wheelchair parking space.

#hiddendisability #accessible #inclusionmatters #invisibledisability #disabilityinclusion #accessibility

Last updated 1 year ago

DK Mok · @dk_mok
97 followers · 126 posts · Server

An excellent essay by author Jessica White on disability & resilience; the importance of inclusive emergency planning, especially in the face of climate change; & the need to read stories by people with disabilities, drawing on diverse experiences of adaptation & survival.

#resilience #ClimateChange #sff #SciFi #sciencefiction #Books #Writing #authors #invisibledisability #disability

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeannette Ho · @Jeannho
192 followers · 3032 posts · Server

"Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities"

Interesting article in this month's issue of College & Research Libraries:

#disability #hiddendisability #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #invisibledisability #librarians #diversity #archivists

Last updated 1 year ago

Chelle · @chelle
6 followers · 108 posts · Server

being really fucking sucks when ur young and appear physically able

barely been packing stuff for an hour nd my leg wants to give out, but i couldnt stop because i know im capable, it’ll just hurt like a mf

plus if i stop its infinitely more difficult to start again

doesnt help ive done so much walking the past few days, nd now it’ll be expected of me when home. im thankful for my partner’s help, but once he’s gone… im fucked, basically


#disabled #invisibledisability #ihurtsomuch

Last updated 1 year ago

missy · @missytwrites
483 followers · 441 posts · Server

One of the things I hate about looking up things about mobility issues is that they're always related to elderly people.

Which, don't get me wrong, yes there should be more info about mobility issues regarding the elderly. But I'm not even 30 yet, I'm not that geriatric! Can y'all talk about us invisible disabled folks who aren't senior citizens?


#disability #disabilitypride #invisibledisability #backpain #mobilityissues

Last updated 1 year ago

UnCoveredMyths · @UnCoveredMyths
416 followers · 1666 posts · Server

One I had hoped would have more recognition now, doesn't.

I do not know all the medical causes of speech impediments. I do know some. I also know they affect people differently.

Some people will never be able to pronounce more than a few hundred words, if that.

Other people can correctly pronounce, and remember the difference between tens of thousands, across multiple languages.

4 / ?


Last updated 1 year ago

Jo Rhodes · @stuffjolikes
202 followers · 496 posts · Server

A big shout out to Pat my dear friend and colleague @patsypcp who has just joined us on here.. a woman of many talents and interests including very handy with She is about to launch a on and will be able to make some great contributions to the fabulous as she has and a beautiful blind too 🐔🐾 😃

#inventions #crafting #felting #trekkie #quizzes #diy #powertools #Podcast #invisibledisability #chickensofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #rescuehens #spaniel

Last updated 1 year ago

Bridge&Tunnel Jeff · @jf_718
84 followers · 7119 posts · Server

As a middle-aged white dude who passes as straight and abled, fellow white people (conservatives and liberals) make assumptions about my opinions. They tend to be surprised when I don't echo their sentiments.

#queer #disabled #invisibledisability

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 54 posts · Server

Original toot date: 27 March, 2023

Long Read: Disability Inclusion within Brimbank.
My first question raided at this months council meeting was as follows:
“Brimbank's 2022-2026 Disability Action Plan was released around 4 months ago, yet there is no reference to Neurodivergent people (other than reference to a symbol identifier), let alone any planning to ensure their inclusion in our community. Neurodivergent people should not need to wait until 2026 before their barriers to inclusion in Brimbank events will be considered, so what action is Brimbank City Council taking, to ensure their inclusion is possible at council run events?”

(continued in replies.)

#topictuesday #wearebrimbank #brimbank #disability #disabled #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergent #autism #autismawareness #autisminclusion #sensory #sensoryoverload #disabilityinclusion #neurodiversityacceptance #disabilityawareness #invisibledisability #invisibledisabilityawareness #Immunecompromised #atrisk #isolation #community #CovidIsNotOver #covidisntover #covidisstillhere #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 1 year ago

VerukaSalt · @VerukaSalt
14 followers · 105 posts · Server
Mike Edey · @mce
34 followers · 54 posts · Server

I still don’t finish many days, or most weeks, like I used to. And I know it could be so much worse. Still; I already have an and now it’s worse and because it’s invisible no one sees the delta either.


Last updated 1 year ago

Quite when people after only the and not the actual . Just read a post where a young had to ask someone to vacate a seat she reseved cause she needed that specific seat to prevent , and of course the comments got very from people who clearly didn’t the whole article cause all they got about he from the headline is that she’s a young and didn’t see she also has an . Wish there was a requirement where you have to scroll through the entire article before you can comment.

#disappointing #comment #reading #headline #article #college #student #motionsickness #ableist #read #R #collegestudent #invisibledisability #ableism #disabled #disability

Last updated 1 year ago

Jules · @erasmid
37 followers · 327 posts · Server

Reasonable adjustments are not that hard, but organisations need to have contact points so SOMEONE is responsible when they are called for.

I know of one person whose invisible disability was casually adjusted for only on days when they used a walking stick for an unrelated knee injury. Strange how that goes...

#disability #fitforwork #invisibledisability #reasonableadjustment

Last updated 1 year ago

Professor Kerstin Sailer · @kerstinsailer
810 followers · 684 posts · Server

Thoroughly enjoyed David Gissen's talk on his new book on the of at the Paul Mellon Centre yesterday.
Thanks to the organisers for making online participation possible!

David is speaking in London (and online) again tonight:

#architecture #disability #LongCovid #invisibledisability #disabilityjustice

Last updated 1 year ago

"10 year Boy with Down Syndrome Assaulted by Bus Driver - Abuse of Students with Invisible Disabilities by Educators"

⚠️ CW - Stories on mistreatment and abuse of students with invisible disabilities in schools across the country. May be disturbing to some.

Yesterday, a bus driver for the Upper Darby school district in Pennsylvania, was charged with assault, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and endangering the welfare of a child.

Juliet Pratt was captured on surveillance cameras, duct taping the a student with Downs Syndrome around the ankles and chest to restrain him. The footage also show the child, who was already in a safety harness, caused no disturbance and remained in his seat. Regardless,  nothing warrants this kind of abusive behavior to people with invisible disabilities, especially by someone involved in child education. The March 8th incident was not the only. The bus driver admitted doing this appalling act to the child, at least one other time. Pratt cut the tape restraints with a seat belt cutter to free the boy upon arrival at the school.

There seems to be no mention of charges related to disability protectections in news reports. Has she done this to others? Would she have done this if the child did not have a disability? If Ms. Pratt singled the child out for this treatment because of any disability related reason, (ie - thinking she could get away with it because of the boy's DS), authorities may want to consider this an ableist hate crime.

Unfortunately, this problem is not uncommon. In some places, the techniques used are legal, bringing harm to many students with invisible disabilities. In Virginia, a 10 year old autistic boy, had the "bones in his hand and foot crushed" by an educator. The injuries were caused by a staff member who was isolating and confining the child, in what was called the "scream room".

Many reports of similar abuses have surfaced in Connecticut schools as well. In one case, a second grader with ADHD was held down, and locked in confinement after a manifestation of symptoms. Aside from the mental and emotional wounds caused, just as in many other cases, the child suffered physically injury. According to the story linked below, students have been restrained and isolated "thousands of times causing dozens of injuries" in Connecticut schools. This hardly sounds like accommodation and community intergration.

Then, there's Xavier Hernandez, who died as a result if being held down and restained by multiple staff members at "Boulevard Heights" school for "students with disabilities" in Texas.

These are the people entrusted with the job of shaping young minds? What lesson does this type of behavior teach other students about interacting with people with invisible disabilities; that they should be restrained, isolated and subjected to physical and mental damage? Considering these, and many other such acts, it seems many educators could use a lesson on understanding and accommodation of persons with invisible disabilities.

© OutOfExile_IDR - Invisible Disability Rights

PA Bus Driver:

Boy with autism in Virginia:

Girl with ADHD and other abuse in Connecticut:

Xavier Hernandez death from a disability standpoint:

Hernandez - Death by medication and restraint:

Image courtesy of:

@actuallyautistic @disabilityjustice @disability

#education #actuallyautistic #adha #ptsd #cpstd #childeducation #abuse #advocacy #disability #invisibledisability #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #DownSyndrome #brainInjury #endableism #ableisthatecrime #accommodation #communityintergration #stigmatude #teardownthewall #doe #action #DepartmentofEducation

Last updated 1 year ago

Good read from a few years back. Still true. Ableism is deeply embedded in our psyches and society.

#a11y #invisibledisability

Last updated 2 years ago

#ColonialismIsNotOver · @infolekiosk
191 followers · 1610 posts · Server

D. E. Kidd's "Embodiment, Autoethnography, Performance Poetry: Living with Severe " offers neurodivergence embodied, autoethnography, and performance poetry in a presentation format.

#traumaticbraininjury #tbi #invisibledisability #braininjury #survivor

Last updated 2 years ago

#ColonialismIsNotOver · @infolekiosk
191 followers · 1610 posts · Server

Association dédiée aux professionnels du soin et de l’expertise des personnes victimes d’un traumatisme crânien, une communauté de personnes qui souffrent d’un manque sévère de visibilité.

#braindamage #invisibledisability

Last updated 2 years ago

#ColonialismIsNotOver · @infolekiosk
191 followers · 1610 posts · Server