📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Axel Hahn, Director of the DLR Institute of Systems Engineering for Future Mobility @DLR
📜Vertrauenswürdige Verkehrssysteme made in Oldenburg
📅Mon 23 Jan, 16:15 CET
📍@tu_dortmund LogistikCampus, Room A1.27
Zoom: https://rc-trust.ai/zoom
@uniallianz #research #mobility #futuremobility #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #research #mobility #futuremobility #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Professor for #Biometry in Molecular #Medicine @lmu_muenchen@beta.birdsite.live
📜Towards Reliable Empirical Evidence in Methodological Computational Research
📅Mon 16 Jan, 16:15 CET
📍Online Event (Zoom)
@uniallianz@beta.birdsite.live #research #methods #researchmethods #computational #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #biometry #medicine #research #methods #researchmethods #computational #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#InvitedTalk by Johanna Benz: "French verbs: Decomposition and the rules of morpho-phonology" at Princeton Phonology Forum, 2-3 December 2022.
#InvitedTalk by Meredith Tamminga on 2022-12-06:
"Psycholinguistic perspectives on change-by-accommodation",
at Third AMC Symposium, University of Edinburgh
📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Thomas Kneib, Professor for #Statistics at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
📜An Introduction to Distributional Regression
📅Mon 28 Nov, 16:15 CET
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4 (LogistikCampus), Room A1.27
@uniallianz #research #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #statistics #research #data #datascience #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk