BirdNET Observation - Wood Thrush - 2023-05-06 10:48:12
in #InwodHillPark #UpperManhattan New York
#inwodhillpark #uppermanhattan
This is the *second* motorized vehicle, going way too fast, that I've encountered on my walk through #InwodHillPark ( #UpperManhattan ) today. The first, a motorcycle, drove so close up to me from behind that I had to scramble to be sure I was fully out of the way.
Not good.
#inwodhillpark #uppermanhattan
BirdNET Observation
Tufted Titmouse
2023-04-11 13:37:11
in #InwodHillPark #UpperManhattan #NewYorkCity
#inwodhillpark #uppermanhattan #newyorkcity