Saw a #BaldEagle #Birds fishing this morning in #InwoodHillPark #Manhattan #NYC I really need a better camera than what my smart phone offers. Pretty amazing to watch. Hoping some #NYCBirders will post some better shots.
#nycbirders #nyc #manhattan #inwoodhillpark #birds #baldeagle
Gray Catbird (and probably Song Sparrow)
observed with the BirdNET app
2023-07-09 10:22:23
#InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan #NewYork
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan #newyork
Wood Thrush observed with the BirdNET app
2023-07-09 09:48:37 in #InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan #NewYork
Since I don't have earphones I can't listen to the recording without confusing the birds. I *think* this audio records what might be called a parliament of birds.
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan #newyork
Are new #invasives like #SpottedLanternFly worse in #nyc this year?
Yesterday in #VanCortlandtPark they were all over the place. Today in #InwoodHillPark there were even more. Like 1000’s.
I paused under the Henry Hudson Parkway to swat a few 100. Felt pointless. Some helpful guy said to me “you’re the third person I seen stopped to swat those things”. Geez.
#inwoodhillpark #vancortlandtpark #nyc #SpottedLanternFly #invasives
BirdNET Observation
Wood Thrush (and possibly a Downy Woodpecker)
2023-07-06 09:42:32
#UpperManhattan #InwoodHillPark #NewYork
#uppermanhattan #inwoodhillpark #newyork
Wood Thrush
observed with the BirdNET app
2023-05-26 15:53:29 in
#InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan #NewYork
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan #newyork
#InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan
Bare, ruined choirs?
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
Photo shoot season has returned to #InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
@xris @Karen5Lund I just remember one Sunday or Monday in #InwoodHillPark when it was raining and cold and windy. Just a sucky day.
From this morning's walk in #InwoodHillPark, at the northernmost tip of #Manhattan.
#inwoodhillpark #manhattan #uppermanhattan
From this morning's walk through the woods in Inwood Hill Park. (Pixelfed post)
#InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
My son took Metro North a little way upstate, to do some hiking, yesterday. The route took him through Marble Hill Station, just north of #InwoodHillPark, which is at the northernmost portion of #UpperManhattan.
He took this brief video as he passed, affording a different perspective on the park and on the Henry Hudson Bridge than my photos usually reflect.
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
Not shown: squirrel in a lower branch, sitting very, very still
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
The troll is off today...
#InwoodHillPark #UpperManhattan
#inwoodhillpark #uppermanhattan
Warm day today in #inwoodhillpark #inwoodnyc #birding #birdingphotography #chickadee #tiftedtitmouse
#inwoodhillpark #inwoodnyc #birding #birdingphotography #chickadee #tiftedtitmouse